The 10 Weirdest Pieces of DnD Merch
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Over the past 50 years, Dungeons & Dragons has transformed from a tabletop game into a global brand, with the DnD logo appearing on everything from lunch boxes and trading cards to action figures, video games and even the big screen.
Of course, when you’re a massive brand like DnD, not every piece of merchandise you lend your name to is going to be a critical hit. In fact, there are plenty of items that seem like an odd promotional choice for a game that’s about rolling dice and killing monsters. So grab your bag of holding and prepare for a shopping spree as we dig into… the 10 strangest pieces of DnD merchandise.

10. DnD Toaster
Manufacturer: Uncanny Brands
Many fans would argue that the invention of Dungeons & Dragons was the greatest thing since sliced bread, so in a weird way it’s only fitting that we’d get a DnD toaster. This die-shaped device offers the perfect way to brown your bread (with no Cooking proficiency check required) and even burns a D20 onto the surface. The result is an odd but practical piece of DnD merch.

9. DnD Waffle Maker
Manufacturer: Uncanny Brands
This unique piece of DnD merch answers the age old question: what is the most delicious shape known to man? The answer, of course, is the 20-sided die. Enter the DnD waffle maker, which adds a dash of polyhedral panache to your breakfast. It’s a weird, wholesome and dare we say, delicious addition to Dungeons & Dragons.

8. DnD Slow Cooker
Manufacturer: Uncanny Brands
In Dungeons & Dragons as in life, sometimes slow and steady really is the way to go. Which means this oddly branded DnD slow cooker may just be the perfect solution if you’re looking to whip up a hot and heaping bowl of deliciousness for your next game night.

7. DnD Coffee Maker
Manufacturer: Uncanny Brands
Why We Picked It: Forget healing potions, every Dungeons & Dragons fan worth their dice set knows that the ultimate restorative liquid is pure java. That’s what makes this DnD coffee maker a functional, if not somewhat odd, piece of DnD merch. The set even includes a custom mug, letting you perk up and bump up your temporary hit points before your next session.

6. DnD Nerf Guns
Manufacturer: NERF
Creating a series of DnD Nerf guns seems like an odd choice of merchandise, given that firearms aren’t exactly a core part of play. Yet, there’s something endearing about these hand held foam weapons, even if they do provide -4 damage to ranged attacks. And while most Dungeons & Dragons fans don’t exactly like it when things get Nerfed, in this case, we might just make an exception.

5. DnD Hawaiian shirts
Manufacturer: Reyn Spooner & Geek Tropical
Why We Picked It: In one of the weirdest merchandise collaborations of all time, Wizards of the Coast recently teamed up with noted fashion designer Reyn Spooner to unleash a line of limited edition DnD Hawaiian shirts. While they won’t exactly bump up your armor class, they are a pretty stylish option for your next lua or dungeon crawl.

4. DnD Postage Stamps
Manufacturer: USPS and Royal Mail
As part of the 50th anniversary DnD celebration, Wizards of the Coast joined up with not one, but two national postal services to release a series of collector stamps. Both the United States Postal Service and the UK Royal Mail offered these limited-edition stamps. While it’s a somewhat strange collaboration, it’s also a great example of just how mainstream the Dungeons & Dragons brand has become.

3. DnD Throw Rugs
Manufacturer: Ukonic
If you’re a Dungeons & Dragons fan looking for a rug to really tie the room together, then you’ll be happy to know there are plenty of options out there. While these DnD throw rugs might not score any critical hits with interior designers, they are pretty awesome and the next best thing to having your very own owlbear rug in front of the fire.

2. DnD Popcorn Bucket
Manufacturer: AMC Theatres
Released in theatres as a limited edition item from AMC as a tie in to the 2023 Honor Among Thieves film, these DnD popcorn buckets have since become major collector’s items on the secondary market, selling for over $100 USD a pop (pun intended). It’s a weird and wonderful piece of DnD merch that’s perfect for snack-loving gamers and fans of the flick.

1. DnD Umbrellas
Manufacturer: BioWorld
This final piece of DnD merch is both stylish and practical, offering a +2 to Survival checks against wetness. The best part is that from below it looks like a normal umbrella, but from above is an eye-catching design that features the iconic DnD ampersand front and centre. It may not repel any nasty water elementals, but it’ll definitely keep your character sheet dry.
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