New Dragonlance Books To Take Flight in 2026
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Over 40 years after it first appeared Dragonlance is still going strong, remaining one of the most iconic D&D campaign settings and spawning dozens of adventures across almost every edition of the game, not to mention appearing in countless video games, collectibles, trading cards, board games, t-shirts, toys and even briefly being courted by Hollywood for a possible TV series.
For many fans, however, the world of Krynn is best captured in the hundreds of best-selling Dragonlance novels, which have collectively sold millions of copies around the world, been translated into multiple languages and become some of the most beloved modern fantasy books of all time. More recently, original Dragonlance authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman returned to the world they created with a new trilogy entitled Dragonlance: Destinies, which saw the final chapter published in 2024.
Now the duo has announced another set of new Dragonlance novels slated for release in 2026. The series will reportedly be set over a thousand years before the War of the Lance and will follow two of Krynn’s most legendary heroes. Below, we break out everything we know so far.

What will the new Dragonlance books be about?
The news of the new Dragonlance books was first announced at the 2024 GenCon, which was held from August 1st to 4th in Indianapolis. In a later follow up post on her official Facebook page, co-author Margaret Weis indicated that the new series will be entitled “Dragonlance Legacies” and will follow the adventures of the Solamnic Knight Huma and the Wizard Magius, both of whom are legendary figures in the lore of Krynn and who have appeared in previous novels.
As with the most recent Dragonlance: Destinies series the books will be released by Random House Worlds, who is also publishing the Dragonlance Chronicles 40th anniversary collection.

In a similar post on his official Facebook page during GenCon, co-author Tracy Hickman confirmed that the series will be a trilogy with the first book entitled “War Wizard,” which suggests a heavy focus on the character of Magius.
Besides these few details, however, we know very little about what the trilogy will entail. The mention of “will be writing” suggests that the books are currently in development.

When will the Dragonlance Legacies books be released?
No official release date has been confirmed, with the first book slated for release sometime in 2026. With Dragonlance Destinies, the books were published one year apart, with each book published in August, so we may see a similar schedule. This means the first book “War Wizard” could be released in August 2026, with the subsequent two novels published in 2027 and 2028, respectively.
Who are Huma and Magius?
Huma Dragonbane is one of the most celebrated figures in the Dragonlance universe, having existed centuries before the War of the Lance. A revered Knight of Solamnia, Huma lived during the time of the Third Dragon War and played a pivotal role in turning the tide against the evil forces led by the dark goddess Takhisis, wielding the powerful artifact known as the Dragonlance. His actions not only saved the world but also solidified the reputation of the Knights of Solamnia as true defenders of the realm.
During this time period, Magius was Huma’s closest companion and a skilled wizard and member of the Order of High Sorcery. While their relationship was often complex and at times troubled, the two represented a unique blend of martial prowess and magic (a theme often echoed in the two characters of Raistlin and Caramon).
Notably, the journey of both Huma and Magius is featured and mentioned in numerous Dragonlance novels, most notably in The Legend of Huma by Richard A. Knaak which was published in 1988 and explores Huma’s heroic exploits and his partnership with Magius.

Final Thoughts
It’s great to see that Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman are continuing to produce new Dragonlance books and producing a series that’s more than just a continuation of the War of the Lance. It’s also great to see that they’ll be exploring a key moment from Krynn’s past, something that earned a substantial amount of praise from fans on social media and the Dragonlance subReddit.
We’ll be keeping a close eye on this story in the days ahead and will update this page as we learn more information about the new series.
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Ollie Delano is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in Journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He’s been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over 10 years and currently plays in a weekly game group where he rolls way too many natural 1s and chugs way too much Mountain Dew. His favorite D&D campaign setting is Eberron and his favorite character to play was a Tiefling rogue named Draxiss who enjoys both literal and figurative backstabbing.
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