Free Adventure “Scions of Elemental Evil” Now on D&D Beyond
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The Temple of Elemental Evil is generally regarded as one of the greatest Dungeons & Dragons adventures of all time. Written in 1985 by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax, it featured a complex narrative, sprawling dungeon and unique mix of combat, exploration and roleplaying. It also helped further establish the iconic Greyhawk campaign setting.
Now, the Temple is back in a brand new one-shot adventure entitled Scions of Elemental Evil, which is currently available for free to download on D&D Beyond. The adventure has players journeying back to the dreaded ruins to face a new danger that threatens to unleash darkness upon the world of Oerth.
So what new evil lurks in this 2024 reboot of a beloved D&D classic? Below, we break down all the details.

What is “Scions of Elemental Evil” about?
Scions of Elemental Evil is a DnD one-shot adventure designed for four to six Level 4 characters. As the name suggests, the adventure is a follow up to the 1985 moduleThe Temple of Elemental Evil and is set in the world of Greyhawk. The story takes place in a series of ruins located beneath the original temple and has players battling a fanatical cultist named Ulsedra Vox who is attempting to raise an army of evil to conquer the world of Oerth.
The adventure includes pre-made characters from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons animated series: Bobby, Diana, Eric, Hank, Presto and Sheila, all of whom are now grown up and recently appeared in another D&D Beyond one-shot entitled Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn, A seventh character is also available for a Cleric named Niko, who is new to D&D and did not appear in the original cartoon. That being said, you can also skip the pre-mades and make your own characters if you wish.
The adventure also uses the new rules from the 2024 Player’s Handbook and includes several new magic items from the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide. It also features updated statblocks for several monsters, including the succubus and incubus, both of whom will be appearing in the upcoming 2025 Monster Manual.
Notably, Scions of Elemental Evil first premiered at Gamehole Con 2024 and MCM Comic Con London as a convention exclusive from Wizards of the Coast before being released on D&D Beyond on October 29th, 2024.

What is the Temple of Elemental Evil?
The Temple of Elemental Evil (Module T-14)is an adventure for AD&D 1st edition published in 1985 and written by Gary Gygax. The plot begins in the small village of Hommlet, with rumors of strange monsters and dark cultists lurking in the ruins nearby. Players are eventually drawn to the mysterious Temple of Elemental Evil, a sinister fortress housing elemental cults that worship the destructive forces of earth, air, fire and water. The cults within the temple are plotting to unleash elemental chaos upon the region, using the power of a hidden, ancient evil as their ultimate weapon. To stop them, players must navigate a labyrinthine dungeon teeming with deadly monsters, magical traps and demonic cult leaders.
As players progress, they confront not only the physical dangers of the temple but also a deeper moral challenge, as each element holds unique and tempting powers. The culmination of the adventure pits players against Zuggtmoy, the Demon Queen of Fungi, who seeks to spread her corrupting influence throughout the lands of Oerth.

Final Thoughts
The 1980s D&D cartoon, the world of Greyhawk andThe Temple of Elemental Evil are all key parts of the game’s lore, so it’s great to see them all coming together in this free one-shot adventure. It’s a blast from the past that also looks to the future of DnD 2024.
You can currently download your digital copy of Scions of Elemental Evil for free on D&D Beyond.
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Ollie Delano is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in Journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He’s been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over 10 years and currently plays in a weekly game group where he rolls way too many natural 1s and chugs way too much Mountain Dew. His favorite D&D campaign setting is Eberron and his favorite character to play was a Tiefling rogue named Draxiss who enjoys both literal and figurative backstabbing.
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