The New Gnome (DnD 2024 Species Guide)
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The gnome is one of the oldest races in Dungeons & Dragons, having first appeared in 1974 and in every subsequent edition of the game. Known primarily as pint-sized illusionists, tricksters and mad inventors, over the years they’ve also evolved considerably, becoming less stereotypical, more nuanced and expanding into new subraces like the Forest Gnome, Rock Gnome and even the Underdark-dwelling Deep Gnome.
So it’s only fitting that a new version of these beloved creatures has popped up in the pages of 2024 Player’s Handbook as one the official starting DnD 2024 species. This latest iteration of the gnome, however, has also undergone some major changes, including enhanced magical abilities, faster movement and tweaks to some of their existing DnD 5e subraces.
So is there no race like Gnome in the DnD 2024 rules? Below, we tinker with all the details.

What are Gnomes in DnD 2024?
In the new 2024 Core Books, gnomes are described as being magical folk created by gods of invention, illusions and underground life. The earliest gnomes were seldom seen by other species due to the their secretive nature and their propensity for living in forests and burrows. What they lacked in size, however, they more than made up for in cleverness, often confounding larger predators and monsters with their ingenious traps and labyrinthine burrows.
Over the eons, gnomes also learned magic from gods like Garl Glittergold, Baervan Wildwanderer, and Baravar Cloakshadow, with these deities often taking on disguises while visiting their gnomish followers. This unique introduction of magic eventually created the lineages of Forest Gnomes and Rock Gnomes that we know today, with these species eventually spreading throughout the multiverse. Forest Gnomes tend to dwell in the depths of the wilds and are friends to bird and beast alike. Rock gnomes prefer to make their lairs underground where they can tinker in peace, often allying with underground animals such as giant badgers.
In terms of their physical appearance, gnomes are petite folk with large eyes, wild hair and pointed ears. A long lived humanoid species, many gnomes reach over 400 years of age. An inquisitive and magically intuitive people, some gnomes let their curiosity take them on wild adventures where they seek new ideas and knowledge, while others prefer having a roof over their head, even if that “roof” is nothing more than a good hat.

What’s changed with the new 2024 DnD Gnome?
While gnomes have existed in Dungeons & Dragons for over 50 years, they’ve also evolved considerably during that time. The 2024 Player’s Handbook continues this evolution with a number of key changes from the previous legacy gnome race that appeared in the 2014 Player’s Handbook. Below are all their new species traits and associated updates.
Gnome Species Trait | Level | Changed from 2014 Player’s Handbook? | Changes to the 2024 Gnome |
Ability Score Improvements | 1 | Yes | Races/species no longer provide ability score improvements. Instead, characters now receive these bonuses from the new DnD backgrounds. |
Base Speed | 1 | Yes | In DnD 2024, the gnome has a base walking speed of 30 feet. In the 2014 rules it was set at 25 feet. |
Darkvision | 1 | No | N/A |
Gnomish Cunning | 1 | Yes | In the 2024 rules this grants Advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. In the 2014 rules this was referred to as “Gnome Cunning” and granted Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma only on saving throws against magic. |
Gnomish Lineage | 1 | Yes | In the 2014 version you could choose from one of four unique gnomish “Subraces,” each of which granted racial ability score modifiers and magical powers. In the 2024 rules you can now choose from two starting subraces, known as “Gnomish Lineages,” which provide magical abilities. |

What are the new Gnome species traits in DnD 2024?
Below is the full list of all the gnome traits using the new 2024 core rules.
- Creature Type: Humanoid
- Size: Medium (about 3–4 feet tall)
- Speed: 30 feet

As a gnome, you also have the following special abilities:
- Darkvision: You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
- Gnomish Cunning: You have Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
- Gnomish Lineage: You are part of a lineage that grants you supernatural abilities. Choose one of the following options; whichever one you choose, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spells you cast with this trait (choose the ability when you select the lineage):
- Forest Gnome: You know the Minor Illusion cantrip. You also always have the Speak with Animals spell prepared. You can cast it without a spell slot a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. You can also use any spell slots you have to cast the spell.
- Rock Gnome: You know the Mending and Prestidigitation cantrips. In addition, you can spend 10 minutes casting Prestidigitation to create a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 HP), such as a toy, fire starter or music box. When you create the device, you determine its function by choosing one effect from Prestidigitation; the device produces that effect whenever you or another creature takes a Bonus Action to activate it with a touch. If the chosen effect has options within it, you choose one of those options for the device when you create it. For example, if you choose the spell’s ignite-extinguish effect, you determine whether the device ignites or extinguishes fire; the device doesn’t do both. You can have three such devices in existence at a time, and each falls apart 8 hours after its creation or when you dismantle it with a touch as a Utilize action.

How have Gnome subraces changed in DnD 2024?
In the 2014 there were four gnome subraces to choose from: Deep Gnome (also known as Svirfneblin), Forest Gnome, Rock Gnome and Mark of Scribing Gnome (the latter of which was exclusive to the Eberron setting). There are no longer gnome subraces in the DnD 2024 rules.
Instead, the 2024 gnome features just two subraces, the Forest and Rock variants, which are now referred to as “Gnomish Lineages.” Below are the changes to these lineages from their 2014 Legacy version.
2014 Gnome Subrace | Changes to the 2024 Gnomish Lineage |
Forest Gnome | – No racial ability score modifiers (in the 2024 rules these are now granted by Backgrounds) – In 2014 the “Speak with Smaller Beasts” feature allowed you to communicate simple ideas to small sized creatures. This feature has been removed for the DnD 2024 gnome. Instead, you also always have the Speak with Animals spell prepared. |
Rock Gnome | – The 2014 Rock Gnome feature “Artificer’s Lore” has been removed from the 2024 rules (this allowed you add twice your proficiency bonus to any History checks related to magical, alchemical or technological devices). – The 2014 “Tinkerer” feature has also been removed (this allowed you to create tiny clockwork devices, including toys, fire starters and music boxes). In the 2024 rules, this feature has been replaced by access to the Prestidigitation cantrip which allows you to create a tiny clockwork device. |

Gnome vs Halfling: What’s the difference?
One common question that often comes up from both new and even experienced DnD players is what exactly is the difference between gnomes vs halflings? It’s a valid question given that they share similar appearances and cultures. There are however a few key differences which are particularly important in DnD 2024.
First, gnomes are typically more slender and energetic, with exaggerated features such large noses, big eyes, pointed ears and often wild, vibrant hair. In contrast, DnD halflings have a more stocky build, softer faces, round ears and curly hair. Gnomes also have softer feet and wear shoes, while halflings have hairy feet with thick soles that allow them to go without shoes.
In terms of cultures, gnomes are driven largely by curiosity, invention and a deep connection to magic. For this reason many become craftsmen, inventors or practitioners of magic. Conversely, halfling culture tends to focus around community, family and comfort. In this sense, Halflings are not usually driven by curiosity or magic as many gnomes are, instead relying on their innate luck, stealth and resilience to navigate the world.
Species Trait | Gnomes | Halflings |
Physical Appearance | -Pointed ears -Larger noses/eyes -Wild hair -Soft, hairless feet (wear shoes) -Darkvision | -Round ears -Softer facial features -Curly hair -Tough hairy feet (don’t wear shoes) -No Darkvision |
Culture | -Curiosity, invention and magic | -Comfort, home and family |
Abilities | -Magic and tinkering | -Luck and stealth |

Is the new DnD Gnome worth playing?
The gnome is a classic Dungeons & Dragons species that fans have loved for decades, so it’s great to see them getting a polish in the pages of the 2024 Player’s Handbook. While none of the changes to the species are particularly dramatic, they do feel like solid additions, particularly in terms of new magical abilities like Speak with Animals for the Forest Gnome and Mending/Prestidigitation for the Rock Gnome. That being said, having only two lineages is a bit disappointing (particularly since the new 2024 Elf has three lineages to choose from) and not including the Deep Gnome seems like an oversight that will hopefully be corrected in future content.
Ultimately though, if you’re a fan of gnomes chances are you’ll enjoy the new version of these small but mighty heroes.
You can find the complete rules for the new DnD gnome in the 2024 Player’s Handbook, which is available now on D&D Beyond and Amazon.
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