The New 2024 DnD Races & Species Updates (Rules Deep Dive)
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When creating a new character, many Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition players tend to first focus on the various DnD 5e classes & subclasses. According to the official rules, the first step in is choosing a race.
And while the core races of DnD have been largely unchanged for the past 50 years, with elves, dwarves, humans and halflings still remaining a key part of the game and lore, Wizards of the Coast has made a number of recent updates to races in the pages of the 2024 Player’s Handbook. This includes the introduction of a several new races, a dramatic overhaul of ability score modifiers and some subtle changes in terminology.
So just what surprising new updates await players when it comes to the official 2024 DnD 5e races? Below, we dig into all the details.

Table of Contents
- What’s Changed for All DnD Races in 2024?
- Aasimar Changes
- Dragonborn Changes
- Dwarf Changes
- Elf Changes
- Gnome Changes
- Goliath Changes
- Halfling Changes
- Human Changes
- Orc Changes
- Tiefling Changes

What’s Changed for All DnD Races in the 2024 Rules?
At a high level, the following DnD 2024 changes have been made which impact all races:
Ability Score Now Tied to Background Rather than Race
In the 2014 rules, races provided bonuses to specific ability scores. For example, as an Elf your Dexterity score would have increased by +2. This is no longer the case in the 2024 rules, as ability score adjustments are tied to your background rather than your race. Each of the new 2024 DnD backgrounds has three ability scores tied to it. For example, the Wayfarer background is associated with Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma. You can can then choose to add a +2 to one score and a +1 to another. Alternatively, you can add +1 to all three scores.
This is a significant change to the rules and reflects the new idea that characters skills and abilities are shaped by their personal history and life choices rather than any kind of biological imperative.
Three New Official Races
The 2024 DnD 5e rules introduce three new races: the Aasimar, Goliath and Orc. While none of them are completely new (all three appeared in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse and Orcs have been around for decades), this the first time all three have appeared as official core races in the Player’s Handbook.
This means there are now 10 official starting races in the 2024 PHB: Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath Halfling, Human, Orc, Tiefling (notably the 2014 list consisted of 9 races: Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human and Tiefling).

No More “Half” Races
In the 2014 DnD rules players could take on the Half-Elf and Half-Orc races. In the 2024 rules, however, these “half” races have been done away with. Instead, players able to choose between either the full Elf or the new full Orc
This again reflects a more modern sensibility on the part of Wizards of the Coast to do away with the concept of mixed heritages.
Races Are Now More Powerful
Many of the new and updated 2024 DnD races have been given features that have made them far more powerful than their 2014 counterparts. For example, a Dragonborn’s Breath Weapon feature can now be used as part of an attack and the damage now starts at 1d10 and scales up to 4d10. Similarly, Drow Elves are no longer sensitive to sunlight, while Gnomes, Halflings and Dwarves now have a faster base walking speed.
These types of tweaks reflect a larger change in the 2024 rules that has made classes and races more powerful than their 2014 counterparts.

Some Races Now Get Spells
Many of the 2024 DnD races now have access to a range of spells which are built directly into their biology. For example, a Chthonic Tiefling now gains the False Life spell at Level 3 and Ray of Enfeeblement at Level 5. Similarly, the Wood Elf now gains the Longstrider spell at Level and Pass Without Trace at Level 5.
In some cases, these innate spells are designed to replace abilities from the 2014 rules. For example, Forest Gnomes now have the Speak With Animals spell, which is designed to replace the more basic “Speak with Small Beasts” ability from the 2014 rules.
“Race” is now “Species”
In the new 2024 DnD 5e rules the term “races” is no longer used. Notably, this applies not only to the Player’s Handbook but also the new 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide and the new 2025 Monster Manual, as well as future game materials from Wizards of the Coast. Notably, many third-party publishers of DnD 5e materials have also confirmed they’ll be using this terminology in their own content.

Aasimar Changes in DnD 2024
The Aasimar are a new but incredibly popular DnD race who were first introduced as a playable species in 2022’s Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. In addition to now being one of the 10 core species in the 2024 Player’s Handbook, they’ve also seen the following changes:
- Celestial Revelation: This feature is more or less the same as it was in the 2014 rules. You access this racial ability at Level 3, which lets you transform yourself into a celestial being for 1 minute as a bonus action. There are three transformation options to choose from: Necrotic Shrouds, Radiant Consumption and Radiant Soul. The biggest difference in the 2024 rules, however, is that you are no longer forced to just pick one option as your permenant transformation form. Instead, you can now select one of the options anytime you transform. Additionally, all of the forms deal extra damage per turn (equal to your proficiency bonus) when you attack.
- Inner Radiance: In the 2024 rules, the Celestial Revelation known as “Radiant Consumption” has been renamed to “Inner Radiance.” It still allows you to deals Radiant Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus within a 10-foot radius, but the extra Radiant damage it previously dealt is now a feature of the Celestial Revelation ability as a whole (so applies to Inner Radiance as well as Necrotic Shrouds and Radiant Soul).

Dragonborn Changes in DnD 2024
Dragonborn have been a fan favorite since they first appeared as a playable race in DnD 3.5. In the 2024 rules, however, the following changes have been made.
- Breath Weapon: In the 2024 rules, this racial ability now functions similarly to what is in Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons. It can be used as part of an Attack action, has uses equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and damage scales from 1d10 up to 4d10 at level 17 (as opposed to starting at 2d6 and scaling to 5d6 in the 2014 rules). You can also now choose the shape of your Breath Weapon as either a 15-foot Cone or 30-foot Line (in the previous 2014 rules this was based on what color of draconic ancestry you came from).
- Draconic Flight: This is a new 2024 feature. At level 5, your Dragonborn can sprout spectral wings that appear similar to your Breath Weapon. You gain a Fly Speed for up to 10 minutes and you can only use this feature once per Long Rest.

Dwarf Changes in DnD 2024
The Dwarf is easily one of the most popular and iconic DnD races and has remained largely unchanged over the years. In the new 2024 rules, however, the dwarf species has been given a few updates:
- Dwarven Toughness: In the 2014 rules, this feature was only available to Hill Dwarves, allowing you to increase your hit point maximum by 1 when first creating your character and each time you gain an additional level. In the new 2024 rules, however, all Dwarves (regardless of sub-species) gain this feature.
- Darkvision: In the 2014 rules, Darkvision for dwarves was limited to 60 feet. In the new 2024 rules it now has a range of 120 feet.
- Base Walking Speed: In the 2014 rules, a dwarf’s base walking speed was 25 feet. In the new 2024 rules, it is now 30 feet.
- Stonecunning: The 2014 feature of Stonecunning has been updated to include a new ability called “Tremorsense.” As a bonus action you can sense the presence of nearby creatures on stone surfaces for up to 10 minutes. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

Elf Changes in DnD 2024
The Elf is another classic DnD race that’s been around in every edition of the game (even once being a class unto itself). In 2024, however, there have been a number of changes to the species.
- Half-Elves: These are no longer a playable race in the 2024 rules, with players now able to choose only the full Elf species.
- Keen Senses: In the 2014 rules this granted you proficiency in the Perception skill. In the 2014 rules, you can now choose to gain proficiency in either Insight, Perception or Survival.
- Drow: No longer suffers from Sunlight Sensitivity (which in the 2014 rules meant a disadvantage on both attack rolls and Perception checks),
- High Elf: Starts with the Prestidigitation cantrip but can replace it with a different cantrip from the new DnD 5e Wizard spell list whenever you complete a Long Rest.
- Wood Elf: Mask of the Wild has been replaced with knowledge of the Druidcraft cantrip.
- New Spells: Each Elf variant has an associated pair of spells gained at level 3 and level 5. Each spell is always prepared and can be cast once without a spell slot or again using your character’s available spell slots.

Gnome Changes in DnD 2024
The Gnome is another classic DnD race that has appeared in every edition of the game but has seen some extensive changes along the way. That’s also the case in 2024, with the species now seeing the following changes:
- Base Walking Speed: In the 2014 rules, a gnome’s base walking speed was 25 feet. In the new 2024 rules, it is now 30 feet.
- Forest Gnome: The previous 2014 ability “Speak With Small Beasts” has been replaced with the Speak With Animals spell. The spell is always prepared and you can cast it without a spell slot a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You can also cast it with spell slots available to your character class.
- Rock Gnome: You gain the Mending and Prestidigitation cantrips. The Tinker trait has also been reworked for the 2024 Rock Gnome. Its effects are based on Prestidigitation. You can still have up to three devices at a time.

Goliath Changes in DnD 2024
The Goliath is another one of the newer DnD races having been first introduced as a playable species in 2022’s Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. In addition to now being one of the 10 core species in the 2024 Player’s Handbook, they’ve also seen the following changes:
- Base Walking Speed: In the 2022 rules, a Goliath’s base walking speed was 30 feet. In the new 2024 rules, it is now 35 feet.
- Giant Ancestry: In the new 2024 rules, you can now choose the type of Giant you descended from (with the options of Cloud Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Hill Giant, Stone Giant or Storm Giant). Each gives you a specific benefit you can use a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus
- .Large Form: This is a new 2024 feature. At level 5, you can use a Bonus Action to become Large for 10 minutes, gaining Advantage on Strength checks and increasing your Speed by 10 feet.
- Powerful Build: The 2014 feature of “Little Giant” has been removed and replaced by the new 2024 feature “Powerful Build.” This grants you Advantage on saving throws made to end the Grappled condition in addition. It also provides an increased carrying capacity.

Halfling Changes in DnD 2024
The Halfling is yet another iconic DnD race, dating back to the earliest edition of the game (when they were referred to as “Hobbits” in a blatant disregard of copyright law). Over the years, they’ve seen a number of changes, with 2024 also
- Brave: All halflings now receive this feature, which provides advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
- Nimbleness: All halfing sub-species also receive this feature, which lets you move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours
- Luck: In the 2014 rules this feature was known as “Lucky.” In the 2024 rules it has been renamed to “Luck,” but functions the same, letting reroll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check or saving throw (although you must use the new result, even if it is also a 1).
- Naturally Stealthy: In the 2014 rules this feature was only available to Lightfoot halflings, letting you attempt to hide, even when you are only obscured by a creature that is at least one size larger than you. In the 2024 rules, all Halfling sub-species now have this feature.
- Base Walking Speed: In the 2014 rules, a Halfling’s base walking speed was 25 feet. In the new 2024 rules, it is now 30 feet.

Human Changes in DnD 2024
The Human is one of the most versatile and popular DnD races. In the 2024 rules, they have, however, seen some updates which make them more closely aligned with the Variant Human sub-species.
- Resourceful: You gain Heroic Inspiration (the 2024 version of Inspiration) whenever you finish a Long Rest.
- Skillful: You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
- Versatile: You gain a new Origin Feat of your choice, in addition to the one you also get when first creating your character.

Orc Changes in DnD 2024
The Orc is another new DnD species that appeared in 2022’s Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (although playable versions of the Orc have been around for decades in both official content and homebrew materials). There have, however, been a number of changes to the Orc from the most recent 2022 versions and from the 2014 Half-orc.
- Half-Orcs: These are no longer a playable race in the 2024 rules, with players now able to choose only the full Elf species.
- Adrenaline Rush: In the 2022 rules, this feature allowed you to take the Dash action as a bonus action (with the number of times you could use it equal to your proficiency bonus and requiring a Long rest to regain uses). In the 2024 version, you can still Dash, but in addition you gain Temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you can now recover all uses on a Short Rest.
- Darkvision: In the 2022 version of the Orc, Darkvision was limited to 60 feet. In the new 2024 rules it now has a range of 120 feet.

Tiefling Changes in DnD 2024
The Tiefling is one of the newer DnD races, having first been introduced in the early 90s a a monster for the Planescape setting and eventually becoming a playable species in 4th edition. Since then, they’ve become incredibly popular among players. In the 2024 rules, Tieflings have seen the following changes:
- Fiendish Legacy: For 2024, Tieflings now choose from one of three variants: Abyssal, Chthonic or Infernal. Each reflects a different part of the Lower Planes and has an associated damage resistance and associated spells (see below).
- New Spells: Each Tiefling variant has an associated pair of spells gained at level 3 and level 5. Each spell is always prepared and can be cast once without a spell slot or again using your character’s available spell slots.

Final Thoughts on the New DnD Races & Species
The changes to species in the 2024 DnD 5e rules are significant, both in terms of gameplay mechanics and a larger approach that reflects how society as a whole is now thinking about race. All of the revisions lean heavily towards more power and more flexibility and the inclusion of the Aasmiar, Goliath and Orc also offers some new options beyond the usual fare. It remains to be seen, however, how the new species will be perceived by the larger DnD 5e community.
You can find the complete rules for the new DnD species in the 2024 Player’s Handbook, which is available for pre-order now on D&D Beyond and Amazon.
Below is also a video from the official Dungeons & Dragons YouTube channel, with DnD lead designer Jeremy Crawford offering details on the changes to the species and backgrounds.
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