The New 2024 DnD Feats: A Complete Guide
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First introduced in the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons, Feats eventually made their way into the fifth edition of the game as an optional rule. The idea behind them, however, has remained essentially the same, with Feats allowing players to take on a range of unique abilities instead of simply taking an ability score increase when levelling up.
Since 2014, the optional Feats rules has become so popular that despite being a mechanic you could essentially ignore, it has now been adopted by the vast majority of DnD 5e players. Which is why it makes sense that Feats are now an official rule in the 2024 Player’s Handbook, with the mechanics behind them also being significantly update to add more flexibility and options for players both during character creation and level advancement.
So just how will the new Feats shape the 2024 version of of DnD 5e? Below, we dig into all the details.
Table of Contents
- How have Feats changed in DnD 2024?
- What are Origin Feats?
- What are General Feats?
- What are Fighting Style Feats?
- What are Epic Boons?
- Final Thoughts on the New Feats

What’s Changed for DnD Feats in the 2024 Rules?
The original 2014 DnD Feats are described in the rules as a “talent or an area of expertise that gives a character special capabilities.” The idea is that instead of taking an Ability Score Improvement when levelling up, you could instead get in-game powers. Notably, you could only take a Feat once and in some cases you had to meet certain prerequisites. For example, the 2014 Inspiring Leader Feat let you grant temporary hit points to your companions, but you could only take it if you had a Charisma of 13 or higher.
The way DnD Feats work in 2024 is largely the same as the 2014 rules. They still grant your character special abilities for use in combat, exploration and even social situations. There are, however, a major new changes to the rules that are important to note:
Feats Now Come in Four Categories
First, and most importantly, in the DnD 2024 rules Feats are now split into four categories as follows:
- Origin Feats: These are granted by the new 2024 DnD Backgrounds and are selected when you first make your character.
- General Feats: These are taken at Level 4 and higher. In some cases they have prerequisites and some may also be selected more than once.
- Fighting Style Feats: These are gained if you have the Fighting Style trait from the Fighter, Paladin or Ranger martial classes.
- Epic Boons: These are granted when you reach level 19, providing ability score increases and certain unique powers.

Feats Now Grant An Ability Score Increase
In the 2014 DnD 5e rules, Feats granted you certain unique mechanical features, but did not improve any ability scores. In fact, you could only select them if you did not take the standard ability score increase which occurs when hitting certain levels.
That’s no longer the case in 2024, with the new DnD feats providing certain unique powers and granting an ability score improvement. The caveat, however, is that you are locked into what ability scores can be increased. For example, the Athlete Feat lets you choose between a +1 increase to either your strength or Dexterity, in addition to providing other unique features.
You Can Pick Some Feats Twice
This is also a new aspect to 2024 DnD rules in that you are able to pick certain Feats more than once (provided you meet the prerequisite). Notably, this applies only to a small number of the new Feats, but does offer the potential for some unique charcter builds.
Epic Boons Are Now Considered Feats
In the 2014 DnD rules, Epic Boons were a high-level mechanic that only Dungeon Masters were able to grant players. In the 2024 rules that’s no longer the case, with players now able to choose their own Boons when they reach Level 19. Under the new DnD 5e rules, Epic Boons fall under the category of Feats, despite the fact that they’re a little different mechanically in how they function, granting both ability score improvements and added powers.

What are Origin Feats in DnD 2024?
Origin Feats are a new DnD mechanic that’s designed to provide your character with extra abilities when they’re first starting out. During character creation, you do not choose your Origin Feat, with it instead being provided based on the Background you have selected. If you are a Human you also get to choose a second Origin Feat. Additionally, from Level 4 onwards any character (regardless of class or species) you can also choose an Origin Feat instead of a General Feat. For this reason, some Feats can be selected more than once (for ease of reference we’ve indicated these with an asterisk below).
Notably, unlike General Feats, Origin Feats do not have any prerequisites and do not provide any ability score increases.
Origin Feat | Benefit |
Alert | Add your Proficiency Bonus when you roll Initiative. You can also swap your Initiative with a willing ally. |
Crafter | Gain proficiency with three different Artisan’s Tools, plus get 20% off all nonmagical items. You can also craft an item from the Fast Crafting Table (using the new DnD 5e crafting rules), which lasts until you finish a Long Rest. |
Healer | When you use a Healer’s Kit, a creature can expend and roll one of its Hit Dice to heal. Your Proficiency Bonus is added to the result. When healing with this feature or a spell, you can also reroll the dice if it rolls a 1, but must use the new result. |
Lucky | After finishing a Long Rest, you have a number of Luck Points equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You can expend one Luck Point to give yourself Advantage on a D20 Test. You can also expend a Luck Point to impose Disadvantage when a creature makes a d20 attack roll against you. |
Magic Initiate* | You gain two cantrips and one level 1 spell from the Cleric, Druid or Wizard spell list (you can replace these with another spell of the same level from the same list when you gain a level). You choose Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma as your spellcasting modifier for these spells. |
Musician | You gain proficiency with three musical instruments of your choice. At the end of a Short or Long Rest, you may play the instrument and grant Heroic Inspiration to a number of allies equal to your Proficiency Bonus. |
Savage Attacker | Once per turn, when you hit a target with a weapon attack, you can roll the weapon damage dice twice and use either roll against the target. |
Skilled* | You gain proficiency in any combination of three skills or tools of your choice. |
Tavern Brawler | When you hit with an Unarmed Strike, you deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier for damage. If the damage dice for your Unarmed Strikes roll is a 1, you can reroll it (you must use the new roll). Once per turn, when you hit and damage a creature with an Unarmed Strike you can push them 5 feet away from you. You also have proficiency with improvised weapons. |
Tough | Your Hit Point maximum increases by 2x your level. After getting this Feat, your Hit Point maximum also increases by 2 each time you level up. |

What are General Feats in DnD 2024?
General Feats require you to be at least level 4 when you select them. Each General Feat provides a unique benefit as well as increasing one ability score by 1, with most giving you a choice between 2 or 3 ability scores (although no score can exceed 20 using this method).
Unlike Origin Feats, most General Feats do have prerequisites, requiring either a certain ability score or proficiency. If you do not meet this prerequisite you cannot take the Feat. Some General Feats can also be selected more than once (for ease of reference we’ve indicated these with an asterisk below).
General Feat | Prerequisite | Ability Score Increase | Benefit |
Ability Score Increase | None | +2 to one score or +1 to two scores | N/A |
Actor | 13+ CHA | +1 CHA | You have advantage on Deception and Performance checks to maintain your disguise. You can mimic a creature’s sound and speech, which can only be detected with an Insight check (DC 8 + CHA modifiers + Proficiency Bonus) |
Athlete | 13+ STR or DEX | +1 STR or DEX | Your Climb speed equals your base Speed. You can stand up from being Prone using 5 feet of movement. You can make a running Long or High jump with only 5 feet of prior movement. |
Charger | 13+ STR or DEX | +1 STR or DEX | You gain +10 feet when Dashing. If you move at least 10 ft towards a target before hitting them with a melee attack, you can either deal 1d8 extra damage or push the target up to 10 ft away (as long as it’s no more than 1 size larger than you). |
Chef | None | +1 CON or WIS | You gain proficiency with Cook’s Utensils. During a short rest, up to 4 + your Proficiency Bonus number of creatures who expended Hit Dice regain an additional 1d8 HP. With 1 hour of work or during a Long Rest you can also create a number of treats equal to your Proficiency Bonus that last for 8 hours. As a Bonus Action anyone can eat a treat to gain a number of temp HP equal to your Proficiency Bonus. |
Crossbow Expert | 13+ DEX | +1 DEX | You ignore the Loading property of Crossbows and can load them without a free hand. Being in melee does not impose disadvantage and you can add your modifier to the offhand attack of a Hand Crossbow. |
Crusher | None | +1 STR or CON | You can move a target up to 5 feet with a bludgeoning attack once per turn as long as they’re not more than one size larger than you. When you roll a Critical Hit with a bludgeoning weapon attack rolls against that target have advantage until the start of your next turn. |
Defensive Duelist | 13+ DEX | +1 DEX | While holding a finesse weapon you can use your Reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC. This lasts until the start of your next turn and applies only to melee attacks. |
Dual Wielder | +13 STR or DEX | +1 STR or DEX | When you attack with a Light weapon you can use a Bonus Action to attack with another one-handed melee weapon (you don’t apply any ability modifiers to the extra attack). |
Durable | None | +1 CON | You have advantage on Death Saves. You can use your Bonus Action to expend and heal with a Hit Die. |
Elemental Adept* | Spellcasting | +1 INT, WIS or CHA | Choose one of the following damage types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning or Thunder. Your spells ignore resistance to this damage type and any 1 you roll for damage becomes a 2. If you take this Feat a second time you must choose a different damage type. |
Fey Touched | None | +1 INT, WIS or CHA | You learn Misty Step and one Level 1 Divination or Enchantment spell. You can cast either spell once per Long Rest without expending a spell slot. |
Grappler | +13 STR or DEX | +1 STR or DEX | Hitting with an Unarmed Strike can deal damage and grapple together (only once per turn). You have advantage on Grappled targets and your speed isn’t halved when you drag around grappled targets as long as they’re your size or smaller. |
Great Weapon Master | +13 STR | +1 STR | When you hit a target with a Heavy weapon, you deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. When you roll a critical hit or reduce a target to 0 HP with a melee weapon, you can make another attack with your Bonus Action. |
Heavily Armored | Medium Armor | +1 STR | You gain proficiency in Heavy Armor. |
Heavy Armor Master | Heavy Armor | +1 STR or CON. | Any bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage that hits you while in heavy armor is reduced by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus. |
Inspiring Leader | 13+ WIS or CHA | +1 WIS or CHA. | When finishing a Short or Long Rest you can give up to 6 allies (including yourself) within 30 feet temporary Hit Points equal to your level + the modifier of the ability score you increased when selecting the Feat. |
Keen Mind | 13+ INT | +1 INT | You gain proficiency in Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature or Religion. If you already have proficiency you gain Expertise. You can also Study as a Bonus Action. |
Lightly Armored | None | +1 STR or DEX | You gain proficiency with Light Armor and Shields. |
Mage Slayer | None | +1 STR or DEX | When you damage a creature concentrating on a spell, they have disadvantage on any saving throw to maintain concentration. Once per Short or Long Rest, if you fail an INT, WIS or CHAR saving throw you can automatically succeed. |
Marital Weapon Training | None | +1 STR or DEX | You gain proficiency with Martial Weapons |
Medium Armor Master | Medium Armor | +1 STR or DEX | . You can gain a +3 instead of a +2 to your AC while wearing medium armor. |
Moderately Armored | None | +1 STR or DEX | You gain proficiency with Medium Armor. |
Mounted Combatant | None | +1 STR, DEX, or WIS | When mounted, you have advantage against targets smaller than your mount and within 5 feet of it. Your mount also gains Evasion and you can force an attack to hit you instead of your mount. |
Observant | 13+ INT or WIS | +1 INT or WIS | You gain proficiency in Insight, Investigation or Perception. If you already have proficiency you gain Expertise. You can also Search as a Bonus Action. |
Piercer | None | +1 STR or DEX | You can reroll the damage you deal with a piercing attack once per turn. When you roll a critical hit with a piercing attack, you roll one extra damage die and add it to the result. |
Poisoner | None | +1 DEX or INT | . You ignore resistance to Poison damage. With 1 hour and 50 GP you can also create a number of poison doses equal to your proficiency bonus. You can use a Bonus Action to apply the poison to a weapon or piece of ammunition, which lasts for 1 minute or until you hit. When you hit, the target must make saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + the modifier of the ability increased when you selected the Poisoner Feat). if they fail they take 2d8 Poison damage and gain the Poisoned condition. |
Polearm Master | 13+ STR or DEX | +1 STR or DEX | You can use your Bonus Action to make another attack after attacking with a Quarterstaff, Spear or Heavy + Reach weapon. This attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. You can also use your Reaction to make an attack with that weapon when an enemy moves into your range. |
Resilient | None | +1 to any score | You gain proficiency in the save of the ability score you increased when selecting the Feat. |
Ritualist | 13+ INT, WIS, or CHA | +1 INT, WIS or CHA | You learn a number of Level 1 ritual spells equal to your proficiency bonus (increasing as your proficiency bonus does). Once per Long Rest You can cast a ritual spell as a ritual without spending the extra 10 minutes. |
Sentinel | 13+ STR or DEX | +1 STR or DEX | You can make an opportunity attack against a target within 5 feet that tries to Disengage or hits someone other than you. These and your normal opportunity attacks reduce the target’s speed to 0 for the rest of that turn. |
Shadow Touched | None | +1 INT, WIS or CHA | You learn Invisibility and one Level 1 Illusion or Necromancy spell. You can cast either spell once per Long Rest without expending a spell slot. |
Sharpshooter | 13+ DEX | +1 DEX | Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half and 3/4 cover. Being in melee combat or at long range also doesn’t impose disadvantage. |
Shield Master | Shields | +1 STR | Once per turn when you hit a target within 5 feet with a melee weapon, you can bash. The target must make a STR save (DC 9 + your STR modifier + Proficiency Bonus). If they fail you can choose to either push them back 5 feet or knock them Prone. If you succeed on DEX saving throw when holding a shield you can use a Reaction to take no damage. |
Skill Expert | None | +1 to any score | You gain proficiency in one skill. You also gain Expertise in one skill. |
Skulker | 13+ DEX | +1 DEX | You have 10 feet Blindsight, advantage on Stealth checks to Hide in battle, and if you miss while hidden you remain hidden. |
Slasher | None | +1 STR or DEX | Once per turn when you deal slashing damage in an attack you can reduce the target’s speed by 10 ft until the start of your next turn. When you roll a critical with a slashing attack the target has disadvantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn. |
Speedy | 13+ DEX or CON | +1 DEX or CON | You gain +10 feet Speed, difficult terrain does not slow you down when Dashing and opportunity attacks have disadvantage against you. |
Spell Sniper | Spellcasting | +1 INT, WIS or CHA. | Your spell attack rolls ignore half and 3/4 cover. Being within 5 feet of an enemy doesn’t impose disadvantage with ranged spell attack rolls. Spells that require an attack roll and have at least a 10 foot range have their range increased by 60 feet. |
Telekinetic | None | +1 INT, WIS, or CHA | You learn Mage Hand and you can cast it without components, make it invisible and extend its range by 30 feet (the spellcasting ability is the ability increased when selecting this Feat). As a Bonus Action you can shove one creature within 30 feet, requiring a STR save (DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + modifier of the ability score you increase when selecting the Feat). If the target fails you can push them 5 feet away. |
Telepathic | None | +1 INT, WIS, or CHA | You can speak telepathically to someone within 60 feet as long as you share a language. They cannot respond back. You also learn Detect Thoughts which can be cast without components and without expending a spell slot once per Long Rest (the spellcasting ability is the ability increased when selecting this Feat). |
War Caster | Spellcasting | +1 INT, WIS, or CHA | You have advantage on CON saves for concentration. You can cast a spell as an opportunity attack as long as it would normally require an action and only targets one creature. You can also perform Somatic spell components while holding weapons or shields in one or both hands. |
Weapon Master | None | +1 STR or DEX | You gain the Weapon Mastery property of one Simple or Martial weapon you are proficient with. You can switch to a new weapon after a Long Rest. |

What are Fighting Style feats?
These are gained when you get the Fighting Style Feature from your class (Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger). Notably, Paladins/Rangers can skip taking a Fighting Style Feat and instead take the Blessed Warrior/Druidic option, which allows them to learn Cantrips from the Cleric/Druid spelllists.
Fighting Style Feat | Benefit |
Archery | You gain +2 to attack rolls with ranged weapons. |
Blind Fighting | You gain Blindsight to a range of 10 feet. |
Defense | You gain +1 to AC while wearing armor. |
Dueling | You gain a +2 to damage rolls while wielding a melee weapon in one hand. |
Great Weapon Fighting | While wielding one weapon with two hands, your minimum roll on any damage die is a 3. |
Interception | When an ally within 5 feet of you is hit with an attack, you can use your Reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 + proficency bonus. You need to holding a shield or a weapon to use this benefit. |
Protection | When an ally within 5 feet of you is targeted by an attack, you can use your Reaction to impose disadvantage on all attacks targeting them until the start of your next turn. You need a Shield to do this. |
Thrown Weapon Fighting | You gain a +2 to damage rolls when you hit with a thrown weapon. |
Two-Weapon Fighting | You add your ability modifier to the attack and damage rolls of your off-hand attacks for weapons with the Light property. |
Unarmed Fighting | Your Unarmed Strikes deal 1d6 + your STR modifier of Bludgeoning damage (if you aren’t holding a weapon or shield this damage increases to 1d8 + your STR modifier). At the start of your turn you can you also deal 1d4 Bludgeoning damage to a creature you’ve Grappled. |

What are Epic Boons?
These are essentially high-level Feats be taken once you reach level 19. Like General Feats they provide an in-game benefit and an ability score increase (with most giving you a choice between 2 or 3 ability scores). But while General Feats only allowed you to increase an ability score to a maximum of 20, with Epic Boons you can increase an ability score up to 30.
Epic Boon | Ability Score Increase | Benefit |
Boon of Combat Prowess | +1 STR or DEX | Once per turn, you can choose to hit when you miss with an attack roll. |
Boon of Dimensional Travel | +1 INT, WIS, or CHA | Immediately after taking the Attack or Magic action, you can teleport up to 30 feet away to an unoccupied space. |
Boon of Energy Resistance | +1 CON | You gain resistance to two elemental damage types (except Force), which you can change with a Long Rest. When you’re hit by one of these two damage types, you can use your Reaction to target someone within 60 feet. They must succeed on a DEX save (DC 8 + your CON modifier + your Proficiency Bonus) or take 2d12 + your CON modifier in damage. |
Boon of Fate | +1 INT, WIS or CHA | When you or anyone within 60 feet succeeds or fails a D20 test, you can add or reduce that roll by 2d4. You can’t use this benefit again until you roll Initiative or finish a Short or Long Rest. |
Boon of Fortitude | +1 CON | Your Hit Point maximum increases by 40. Once per turn, when you heal, you regain additional Hit Points equal to you CON modifier. |
Boon of Irresistible Offense | +1 STR or DEX | The Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage you deal ignores Resistance. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll, you deal extra damage equal to whatever ability score you increased when choosing the Boon. |
Boon of Recovery | +1 CON | Once per Long Rest, if you drop to 0 Hit Points you are instead brought up to half your max Hit Points. You also gain a pool of ten d10’s which you can use with a Bonus Action to heal yourself. You regain any uses of these dice after a Long Rest. |
Boon of Skill | +1 to any ability score | Gain proficiency in all skills and expertise in one. |
Boon of Speed | +1 DEX | You gain +30 feet Speed. You can Disengage as a Bonus Action, which also ends the Grappled condition (if applicable). |
Boon of Spell Recall | +1 INT, WIS or CHA | When you cast a spell using a Level 1 to 4 slot, roll 1d4. If the number you roll is the same as slot’s level, it is not expended. |
Boon of the Night Spirit | +1 DEX, INT, WIS or CHA | While in Dim Light or Darkness you can use a bonus Bonus Action to become Invisible (which ends if you use an Action, Bonus Action or Reaction). While in Dim Light or Darkness you also have resistance to all damage, except Psychic and Radiant. |
Boon of Truesight | +1 INT, WIS, or CHA | You gain Truesight with a range of 60 feet. |

Final Thoughts on the New DnD Feats
In the 2014 version of DnD 5e, Feats were an optional rule that was quickly embraced by players. In the new 2024 DnD, Feats have not only been been added as an official rule, but have have also been greatly expanded offering a significant amount of versatility. These new and improved Feats open up a ton of potential for character builds, combat tactics and roleplaying, making them easily one of the best new elements in the updated DnD 5e rules.
You can find the complete breakdown of all 75 Feats in the 2024 Player’s Handbook, which is available now on D&D Beyond and Amazon.
Below is also a video from the official Dungeons & Dragons YouTube channel, with lead designer Jeremy Crawford offering a bit more information on the philosophy behind the new Feats.
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