The New 2024 DnD Character Sheet (First Look)
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The 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons is upon us and in addition to a number of ongoing celebrations and tie-in products, Wizards of the Coast has also released an updated edition of the game, with the new 2024 Player’s Handbook introducing a number of major rules enhancements.
With the new version of the game, WotC has also create a new 2024 DnD character sheet that reflect some of the key changes that have been made, in addition to introducing a new look and feel to what’s been an otherwise fairly static document. While we’re still waiting for an official free PDF, if you’re absolute chomping at the bit to create a new adventurer, you can order the official print versions of these new sheets now on Amazon and D&D Beyond.
So just what can we expect to find in the new 2024 DnD character sheet? Below, we roll up all the details.

What’s changed in the new DnD 2024 Character Sheet?
Over the past decade there have been literally hundreds of different DnD character sheets for fifth edition, and while their look and feel may differ, their overall functionality remained the same.
That’s no longer the case with the new 2024 DnD character sheet, which has seen a few minor but distinctive tweaks, including:
- Attunement Slots: For the first time in any edition of DnD, a character sheet will now feature slots to indicate attunement for DnD magic items, with three slots per character. Notably, in the new 2024 rules you can gain extra attunements via Epic Boons, which you can also indicate on your sheet.
- Skills List Below Ability Scores: In the 2014 character sheet skills were listed in their own separate section, with the relevant stat noted next to each skill. That’s no longer the case, with the 2024 character sheet now grouping skills with their relevant abilities for easier reference.
- Spells Now On One Page: The 2024 rules have introduced a number of new DnD spells and also condensed their appearance to one side of the new character sheet. This is really designed to make it faster and easier to find spells.
- Flaws & Ideals Moved to Back: These character elements are often overlooked in favor of more important aspects like the many DnD backgrounds, so it makes sense that they’ve been moved to the back of the character sheet (in the 2014 version they were featured prominently at the top of the front page).
- New Verbiage: There have been a number of subtle tweaks to the character sheet in terms of terminology, with the term “Race” dropped in favor of the new DnD species.

Where Can You Get the New 2024 DnD Character Sheets?
Currently, you can snag physical copies of the new DnD character sheets on Amazon and D&D Beyond (with a pack of 50 sheets retailing for $15 USD and including a collectible binder with new art). It’s also likely we’ll be able to get a free PDF print version sometime in the near future along with custom designs on Etsy and other platforms.
The new character sheet design is also being built into VTTs, including Roll20 and D&D Beyond. It’s also been confirmed for inclusion with the upcoming “Project Sigil” DnD Virtual Tabletop.
Final Thoughts
As with all things DnD, fan reaction to the new 2024 DnD character sheets have been mixed, with some players praising the clean design and quality of life improvements to spells, attunements and skills, while others have complained about the sparse visuals or asked for a more radical overhaul.
In general though, in our opinion the new design does seem cleaner and more beginner-friendly, particularly in how it integrates with the updated DnD classes and the overall 2024 rules. It’s also likely we can expect plenty of fan-made redesigns and a free online version from WotC in the days ahead. We’ll be sure to update this page with more information and links as they’re made available.
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Paige Stuart is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where she majored in English Literature at Northwestern University. She’s relatively new to Dungeons & Dragons having started playing 5th edition several years ago. Her favorite D&D campaign setting so far is the Forgotten Realms and her favorite character to play is a Wizard named Felician who hurls both bad puns and fireballs with equal ease.
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