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Official artwork from the 2024 Monster Manual, showing a giant demon wreathed in flames charging into battle with a massive unholy sword.

The Complete List of Creature Conversions in the 2024 Monster Manual

The new 2024 Monster Manual has finally been released, with the book featuring over 500 unique creatures, the vast majority of which are updates on previously existing creatures from the 2014 Monster Manual. These updates include some significant changes to abilities, lore and treasure, while also utilizing a new stat block format. In some cases, creatures have also been removed entirely (such as the Orc) or new variants have been introduced.

All of which can make it challenging for Dungeon Master’s who are used to the 2014 rules to find specific creatures they plan to utilize in their campaigns. Fortunately, Wizards of the Coast has addressed this issue in the new Monster Manual, listing “conversions” that show the older 2014 stat block and the new 2024 equivalent.

Below, we break out all of the creature changes. For ease of reference, we’ve also included links to the specific stat block from both versions.

Official artwork from the 2024 Monster Manual, featuring two wizards battling in a magical duel, with one casting a giant spectral claw and the other summoning a swarm of transluscent green serpents.

DnD 2024 Monster Conversions

One important thing to note is that every creature from the 2014 Monster Manual either appears in the new 2024 book or has a replacement with a comparable Challenge Rating. The complete list of conversions is as follows. (Please note that to access some of these links you may need to own a digital copy of the 2014 or 2024 Monster Manual on D&D Beyond, as certain stat blocks are not available for free).

2014 Stat Block2024 Equivalent
AarakocraAarakocra Skirmisher
AcolytePriest Acolyte
Adult Blue DracolichDracolich
AndrosphinxSphinx of Valor
AzerAzer Sentinel
BugbearBugbear Warrior
BullywugBullywug Warrior
CentaurCentaur Trooper
Cult FanaticCultist Fanatic
CyclopsCyclops Sentry
Deep GnomeScout
DrowPriest Acolyte
Drow Elite WarriorGladiator
Drow MageBandit Deceiver
Drow Priestess of LolthFiend Cultist
DuodroneModron Duodrone
Faerie Dragon (if green, blue, indigo, or violet)Faerie Dragon Adult
Faerie Dragon (if red, orange, or yellow)Faerie Dragon Youth
Fire SnakeSalamander Fire Snake
Flying SwordAnimated Flying Sword
Gas SporeGas Spore Fungus
Giant Poisonous SnakeGiant Venomous Snake
GnollGnoll Warrior
GoblinGoblin Warrior
Grick AlphaGrick Ancient
GynosphinxSphinx of Lore
Half-Ogre (Ogrillon)Ogrillon Ogre
Half-Red Dragon VeteranHalf-Dragon
HobgoblinHobgoblin Warrior
KoboldKobold Warrior
Lizardfolk ShamanLizardfolk Geomancer
Lizard King/QueenLizardfolk Sovereign
MerfolkMerfolk Skirmisher
MinotaurMinotaur of Baphomet
MonodroneModron Monodrone
Orc Eye of GruumshCultist Fanatic
Orc War ChiefTough Boss
PentadroneModron Pentadrone
Poisonous SnakeVenomous Snake
QuadroneModron Quadrone
Quaggoth Spore ServantMyconid Spore Servant
Rug of SmotheringAnimated Rug of Smothering
SahuaginSahuagin Warrior
Sahuagin PriestessSahuagin Priest
ShriekerShrieker Fungus
Swarm of Poisonous SnakesSwarm of Venomous Snakes
Swarm of QuippersSwarm of Piranhas
Thri-kreenThri-kreen Marauder
Tribal WarriorWarrior Infantry
TridroneModron Tridrone
VeteranWarrior Veteran
Young Red Shadow DragonShadow Dragon
Yuan-ti PurebloodYuan-ti Infiltrator
Official artwork from the 2024 Monster Manual, featuring a giant horned demon rampaging through a village.

Final Thoughts

It’s great to see Wizards of the Coast include these changes in the new Monster Manual. And while not every Dungeon Master is going be happy to see some of their favorite creatures altered or removed, there’s still an absolute ton of options to choose from. What’s more, the changes that have been made to many of these stat blocks are legitimately better. In short, with the existing line up of creatures and the complete list of conversions, you can still find monsters to cover just about any CR, campaign or player.

You can pick up the new 2024 Monster Manual now on D&D Beyond and Amazon

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A photo of Dungeons & Dragons Fanatics Managing Editor, Cameron Nichols.
Cameron Nichols is a Senior Editor who lives in Boston, Massachusetts, and has been playing D&D since the early 90s, when he was introduced by his older brother and cut his teeth on AD&D 2nd Edition. Since then he’s played virtually every RPG he could get his nerdy little mitts on (including a weird Goth phase in the early 2000s when he rocked Vampire: The Masquerade pretty hard). His favorite D&D campaign setting is the Forgotten Realms and his favorite character to play was a Half-Orc Barbarian named Grug (who was unfortunately devoured by a gelatinous cube).
