Humblewood Campaign Setting Now Available on D&D Beyond
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Hit Point Press supplement joins the ranks of third-party products now sold by Wizards of the Coast
Originally published in 2019 by Hit Point Press, Humblewood is a unique campaign setting for the DnD 5e system in that it combines many of the familiar high fantasy tropes with a world filled with adorable anthropomorphic animals. The end result is a kind of quirky combination of the Forgotten Realms and Wind in the Willows, with a dash of Watership Down and Red Wall thrown in for good measure.
Now, the campaign setting is coming to D&D Beyond, marking only the third time ever that third-party content has appeared on Wizards of the Coast’s popular online game platform (notably, Critical Role’s Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting hit D&D Beyond in August 2023, with The Dungeon Dude’s Dungeons of Drakkenheim appearing shortly after in December 2023).
This new digital version of the Humblewood Campaign Setting officially launched on February 12th, 2024 and is available now on D&D Beyond. So just what new secrets await players in the world of Everden? Below we break out all the details.

What is Humblewood?
Humblewood is a complete campaign setting created by Hit Point Press that’s designed for use with Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition. Players take on the role of anthropomorphic animals rather than the traditional DnD races, with adventures taking place in a sprawling fantasy world known as Everden. Much of the campaign world is focused on the mystical forest known as Humblewood, a sprawling set of woods filled with ancient magic and thriving communities of animals. Unfortunately, a great fiery force has begun to threaten the existence of this enchanted wilderness, burning large swathes to the ground and requiring adventurers to maintain the peace.
The inhabitants of the Humblewood are divided into a variety of species, including The Birdfolk, (which consist of playable sub-species inspired by crows, waterfowl, pigeons, hawks and owls) and the Humblefolk (consisting of sub-species based on deer, hedgehogs, mice, raccoons and foxes).
There are also a variety of monsters, bandits and factions that have begun to rise to power as the flames spread, sowing chaos throughout the Humblewood and displacing countless woodland residents. It’s a unique setting that manages to be dark, dramatic, fantastical and adorable all at the same time.

What’s included in the D&D Beyond version of Humblewood?
The D&D Beyond version of the Humblewood Campaign Setting is really a port of the original 200 page hardcover book from 2019 and integrates fully with D&D Beyond’s character builder and other platform features. It includes:
- A complete campaign designed to take characters from Levels 1 to 5
- 10 new playable animal races (the Corvum, Gallus, Luma, Cerva, hedge, Raptor, Strig, Jerbeen, Mapach and Vulpin)
- 4 new subclasses
- 3 new backgrounds
- 7 new feats
- 10 new spells
- 20 new magic items
- 50 new monsters for use with D&D Beyond Encounters
- 11 new maps for use with the D&D Maps VTT

How Much is Humblewood Campaign Setting on D&D Beyond?
Currently, the D&D Beyond version of Humblewood Campaign Setting is retailing for $49.99 USD, which isn’t a bad deal at all considering how much content is included (notably on the Hit Point Press website the hardcover retails for $49.99 USD and the PDF is $24.99, so it’s a fairly comparable purchase).
That being aid, if you’ve already snagged a physical or digital copy of Humblewood, you’re not really missing out any new content, although if you are a D&D Beyond subscriber, one key advantage is being able to port over official Wizards of the Coast materials, including characters and the latest rules set. Being able to use the D&D Beyond Encounters and Maps VTT is also a bonus (although the latter tool is still fairly rough and remains in Beta testing).

Why is the Book’s Release on D&D Beyond Such a Big Deal?
Currently, there are only two ways for third-party DnD publishers to sell their work: They can publish it directly, selling it on their website and working with distributors to sell in stores or online via platforms like Amazon. Alternatively, they can publish their content through online platforms like DriveThruRPG and DMsGuild (although in this case, Wizards of the Coast gets a cut of all sales).
Official Wizards of the Coast digital content, however, has remained in a separate, siloed publication stream, with D&D Beyond being the primary distribution method. Until recent months, WotC has just released official DnD publications and is only now opening up to other third-party publishers.
The release of the digital version of Humblewood Campaign Setting is therefore a continuing trend, with Wizards of the Coast now willing to promote third-party DnD content, something which has been welcomed by both fans and RPG professionals.

Final Thoughts
It’s great to see Wizards of the Coast continue to publish third-party content on D&D Beyond, especially with a product like the Humblewood Campaign Setting which is a refreshing departure from so much of the traditional, cliched DnD materials. It really shows that Wizards of the Coast is willing to take risks and publish content from a wide range of different RPG creators.
You can order your copy of Humblewood now on D&D Beyond. Below is also a video which first appeared on the official D&D Beyond YouTube channel, which provides more information on the book and includes an interview with the Hit Point Press creators.
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Cameron Nichols is a Senior Editor who lives in Boston, Massachusetts, and has been playing D&D since the early 90s, when he was introduced by his older brother and cut his teeth on AD&D 2nd Edition. Since then he’s played virtually every RPG he could get his nerdy little mitts on (including a weird Goth phase in the early 2000s when he rocked Vampire: The Masquerade pretty hard). His favorite D&D campaign setting is the Forgotten Realms and his favorite character to play was a Half-Orc Barbarian named Grug (who was unfortunately devoured by a gelatinous cube).
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