Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone (First Look)
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First appearing in 2004 for Dungeons & Dragons third edition, Eberron remains one of the most unusual DnD campaign settings due to its genre-bending mix of fantasy, steampunk, horror and military themes. It’s also unique in that the setting was first created by game designer Keith Baker as the winning entry in a 2002 Wizards of the Coast fan contest to find the next DnD world.
Over the years, Eberron has grown incredibly popular, spawning dozens of sourcebook for DnD 3.5, 4th edition and 5th edition, along with a slew of novels. And while Eberron’s original creator, Keith Baker, no longer works for Wizards of the Coast, he has continued to make his mark on the setting with a number of exclusive third-party DMsGuild products, including Exploring Eberron in 2020 and Chronicles of Eberron in 2022.
Now, Baker is back in action with yet another DMsGuild sourcebook entitled Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone, a title that blends traditional DnD fantasy tropes with a Wild West theme set in the frontiers of Khorvaire. So is this return to Eberron worth saddling up for? Below, we hit the trail and ride down all the details.

What is “Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone” about?
Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone is written by Keith Baker and set in the Western Frontier, the contested region between the ancient kingdom of Breland and the up and coming nation of Droaam. It’s a wild and lawless area, where wandslinging heroes and ruthless villains lurk amid rough and tumble towns and ancient ruins.
The book includes a gazetteer of the region, a deep dive into the town of Quickstone, a bestiary, new magic items, and “Heart of Stone”—an adventure arc by game designer Imogen Gingell that takes characters from 1st to 5th level and focuses on a deadly cult operating in the frontier.
Notably, the book is also completely compatible with the new 2024 Player’s Handbook, although it’s not an official Wizards of the Coast product and is a third-party book made under the DMsGuild license. The book is available as a PDF for $33.95 USD, with a print on demand hardcover version also in the works.

What’s included in “Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone”?
Frontiers of Eberron comes in at 255 pages and includes the following:
- 6 new Subclasses (including the Bloodhound Ranger)
- 5 new Backgrounds
- 6 new Species, including Harpies, Gargoyle, Medusa and a new Warforged option
- 15 new Feats, including new rules for Dragonmarks
- 15 new Magic Items (including the artifacts known as Kharash’s Promise)
- New rules for arcane dueling
- The 30 page adventure “Heart of Stone” (taking characters from Levels 1 to 5)

Is “Frontiers of Eberron” worth picking up?
If you’re a fan of Eberron chances are you’ll enjoy what’s included in this book, especially given that it’s written by Keith Baker, a designer who has single-handedly shaped Eberron through both his official and unofficial DnD 5e game materials and novels.
It’s also potentially a great starting point if you’re new to Eberron as the book doesn’t really require any previous knowledge of the setting and does a great job of setting up a key region and bringing to life the overall themes and tone of Khorvaire.
Of course, the unique DnD approach to the Wild West could work even outside of Eberron and you could easily drop the sourcebook into your own existing campaign world or even homebrew something entirely new based on the materials.

Final Thoughts
Eberron has been a major part of DnD 5e for years, but it’s also a setting that hasn’t seen any new official Wizards of the Coast products since 2019’s Eberron: Rising from the Last War. Instead, the world has largely been kept alive by the unofficial, third-party efforts of Keith Baker.
Unfortunately, Baker has said he will not be producing anymore more Eberron books after Quickstone, making this potentially one last ride into the sunset for one of DnD’s most unique settings.
You can pick up a PDF or print on demand copy of Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone now on DMsGuild.
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Ollie Delano is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in Journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He’s been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over 10 years and currently plays in a weekly game group where he rolls way too many natural 1s and chugs way too much Mountain Dew. His favorite D&D campaign setting is Eberron and his favorite character to play was a Tiefling rogue named Draxiss who enjoys both literal and figurative backstabbing.
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