New Dungeon Master Tracking Sheets Now Available for Free
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Being a Dungeon Master often means having to keep track of a ton of different information, with everything from monster statblocks and magic items, to NPCs, plot hooks and location details. It’s a role that Wizards of the Coast is seeking to make a lot easier in the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide, which has been significantly reorganized and streamlined to help both new and experienced DMs run adventures more effectively.
As part of this overhaul, in the new DMG, Wizards of the Coast has also included a number of DM tracking sheets which are designed to help Dungeon Master’s better manage different aspects of the game. Fortunately, you can also now download these sheets absolutely free on D&D Beyond. Below, we take a closer look at what they are and how to fit them into your game.

What are the new DM Tracking Sheets?
There are nine sheets in total, which cover the following aspects of gameplay for DnD 5e:
- Game Expectations: This sheet establishes the overall tone of your campaign including its key themes, player expectations, potentially sensitive content even and at-the-table conduct. It’s something that would definitely work during a session zero to help all your players get on the same page.
- Travel Planner: This sheet organizes travel into “stages” within an adventure, including distances, terrain, speed, weather, narrative notes and potential challenges. It’s a great way to really up your game when it comes to what can often be a fairly tedious part of DnD.
- NPC Tracker: This sheet lets you tracks important details about non-player characters, including their personality, appearance, secrets and stats. It’s designed to give you an at-a-glance NPC reference without having to dig through notes.
- Settlement Tracker: This sheet lets you record about information about settlements in your world, including their population size, notable traits, leadership, and any significant events involving them.

- Campaign Journal: This sheet provides a way to document important events from previous sessions, with options for tracking planned activities and additional notes for upcoming sessions.
- DM’s Character Tracker: This sheet monitors player character details such as their motivations, background, quirks, goals and adventure ideas. It also includes a section to help you understand the types of players at your table (something that’s often overlooked by newer DMs).
- Campaign Conflicts: This sheet lets you logs notable conflicts within your campaign, including detailing opposing forces and letting you track important notes that may impact the direction of your campaign.
- Magic Item Tracker: This sheet lets you keeps a record of magical items obtained by players across different level ranges, categorized by rarity. This is invaluable as it can help you better understand whether you’ve given out too many (or too few) magic items.
- Bastion Tracker: This sheet tie into the new Bastion system and lets you track details players Bastions, including facilities, special features and any hirelings they may have.

Final Thoughts
While it’s not one of the most fun or talked about aspects of being a Dungeon Master, being organized really does pay off at the table. These new sheets from Wizards of the Coast offer a simple but effective way to do just that. And while you don’t need to use any of them, if nothing else, they’re further proof that a great DM is one who has their sheets together.
The new DM tracking sheets are included within the 2024 DMG, but you can also download them now for free on D&D Beyond.
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Paige Stuart is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where she majored in English Literature at Northwestern University. She’s relatively new to Dungeons & Dragons having started playing 5th edition several years ago. Her favorite D&D campaign setting so far is the Forgotten Realms and her favorite character to play is a Wizard named Felician who hurls both bad puns and fireballs with equal ease.
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