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A grinning rogue holding up a glowing purple 20-sided dice which represents the DnD Point Buy System.

How to Use the DnD Point Buy System in 2024

One of the most exciting parts of Dungeons & Dragons is creating a new character. A key step in this process, however, is determining the ability scores of Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. And while over the years players have devised numerous ways to calculate these scores, one of the most popular is the DnD Point Buy System.

With the fifth edition of the game now getting a revised 2024 Player’s Handbook, many new players are left wondering just how to make a DnD character and what the DnD Point Buy System is all about. Not to worry though, we’ve got you covered. Below, we break out all the details on how to use this unique method.

Table of Contents

A beautiful DnD tiefling rogue in a tavern rolling a set of dice.

What is the DnD Point Buy System?

In DnD 5e, the Point Buy System is an optional method for determining your character’s six ability scores of Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Instead of rolling dice, however, you are given 27 “points” to allocate. Each ability score starts at 8 and the point buy to increase an ability score changes as indicated in the table below (for example, choosing a Strength of 15 would cost 9 out of the 27 total points). The goal of the Point Buy System is to create a statistically balanced character that is neither too weak nor too powerful.

Ability ScorePoint Buy
A wizard in his study looking at a character sheet that features the DnD Point Buy system.

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How to Use the DnD Point Buy System in 2024

While the Point Buy System has been popular for DnD 5e for over a decade, there are a few things to be aware of when using this method with the new 2024 Player’s Handbook. Below is a step-by-step guide for using the Point Buy System within the new 2024 DnD Core Rules.

  • Step 1: Note the Points: One confusing aspect is that 1 point does not equal 1 one ability score, so be sure to note the buys based on the table above. For example, bumping your Dexterity score from 8 to 14 would cost 7 points.
  • Step 2: Assign Numbers to Abilities: Apply the 27 points to the stats, totalling up the point cost as you go along. You cannot exceed 27 points or have any points left over.
  • Step 3: Apply Background Bonuses: After assigning your point buys, apply any bonuses that come from the 2024 DnD backgrounds. Each background has a list of three ability scores to choose from. You can increase one score by 2 points and another by 1, or you can increase all three scores by 1. For example, the Wayfarer background allows you to increase your Dexterity, Wisdom or Charisma scores. NOTE: This is a change from the 2014 rules, in which ability score bonuses were provided by DnD races.
  • Step 4: Calculate Modifiers: With your final ability scores determined, calculate your ability modifiers and note them on your character sheet. These modifiers affect your character’s proficiency with skills, saving throws and attack rolls. For example, an 18 Strength grants a +4 modifier.
  • Step 5: Finalize Your Character: With your ability scores, modifiers and background bonuses established, fill out the rest of your DnD character sheet with your skills, equipment, name and other information.
Portraits of four characters created using the 2024 DnD Point Buy System.

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Using a DnD Point Buy Calculator

If you don’t want to manually calculate your Point Buys, there are tools that can do it for you. Below is a DnD Point Buy Calculator that we’ve created to do just that. To use it, complete the following steps:

  • Step 1: Enter your Base Score: The “Point Cost” column and “Total Points” field at the bottom of the table will automatically update (NOTE: You can’t spend more than 27 points. If you do, the calculator will reset).
  • Step 2: Enter Background Bonus: Adjust your scores based on your Background. For example, the Hermit Background lets you add either +2/+1 or +1/+1/+1 to your Constitution, Wisdom or Charisma. The “Total Score” column in the table will then update (NOTE: The ability score increase from your Background does not cost any points).
  • Step 3: Note Your Ability Modifier: The Point Buy Calculator automatically determines your Ability Modifier. For example, if you have a +18 Dexterity the Modifier would be +4 (which you can note on your character sheet).
2024 DnD Point Buy Calculator

2024 DnD Point Buy Calculator

Attribute Base Score Background Bonus (+) Total Score Ability Modifier Point Cost
Strength 8 -1 0
Dexterity 8 -1 0
Constitution 8 -1 0
Intelligence 8 -1 0
Wisdom 8 -1 0
Charisma 8 -1 0
Total Points: 0/27
A beautiful DnD sorcerer holding up a glowing 20-sided dice which represents the point buy system.

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Tips for Using the DnD Point Buy System

While you can calculate your six ability scores in any way you choose, below are few things to keep in mind that can help you get the most from the Point Buy system.

  • Plan Your Character's Role: Before allocating points, consider the role your character will play in the party. For example, if you're creating a Fighter, you should prioritize Strength or Dexterity for attack rolls and Constitution for hit points. For spellcasters, prioritize the ability score tied to your spellcasting (i.e. Intelligence for Wizards, Wisdom for Clerics, Charisma for Warlocks/Sorcerers).
  • Maximize Key Ability Scores: Focus on getting your primary ability score to 15 (the highest you can go with Point Buy) before Background bonuses. This will allow you to start with a strong ability modifier, which is crucial for your character's effectiveness in combat, exploration and social encounters.
  • Don't Neglect Constitution: Regardless of your class, a good Constitution score is important for survival (particularly if you have a low class Hit Dice). The higher hit points the better your durability in combat.
  • Balance Your Scores: While it’s tempting to dump all your points into a few scores, consider the benefits of well-rounded stats. Having a decent Dexterity can improve your armor class and initiative, while Wisdom or Charisma can help with saving throws and social interactions.
  • Use Background Bonuses Wisely: When selecting a Background for your character, consider how the bonuses to ability scores will interact with your Point Buy choices. Remember that Backgrounds allow you to mix and match increases for three ability scores, allowing for more flexibility when using Point Buys.
  • Leave Room for Growth: Consider leaving some ability scores at 14 or 15, knowing that you can increase them later through Ability Score Improvements as you level up. This allows your character to grow and develop over time.
  • Think About Feats: If you plan on taking any of the new DnD Feats that require specific ability scores as prerequisites, make sure to allocate points accordingly. Remember that under the new 2024 rules, Feats also grant ability score increases, which can help you maximize your character's potential.
A dwarf in his workshop rolling up a character using the DnD point buy system.

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Alternatives to the DnD Point Buy System

While the Point Buy System is one of the most popular methods for determining a character's ability scores, in the 2024 DnD rules Wizards of the Coast also recommends two other options:

  • DnD Standard Array: This provides a fixed set of numbers which you then allocate to your character’s abilities. The numbers are 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8 (and can be applied in any order to any stat). It's a popular option due to its simplicity and fairness.
  • Random Rolling: Random rolling involves rolling four six-sided dice (4d6) for each ability score, discarding the lowest roll, and totalling the remaining three. This method introduces an element of chance and can lead to varied results, offering a sense of unpredictability and excitement. However, it can also result in imbalanced scores and less control over final attributes.

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An otherworldly DnD wizard floating in a dimension filled with glowing magical 20 sided dice.

Final Thoughts

While the current 2024 rules for DnD 5e allow you to use any method you'd like to determine your character's ability scores, the Point Buy System provides a statistically balanced approach. While it can be a little more complicated than options like random dice rolls or the Standard Array, it remains incredibly effective and a unique way to create a memorable character that's most than just the sum of their stats.

You can find more information on character creation in the 2024 Player’s Handbook, which is available now on D&D Beyond and Amazon.

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A photo of Dungeons & Dragons Fanatics Managing Editor, Cameron Nichols.
Cameron Nichols is a Senior Editor who lives in Boston, Massachusetts, and has been playing D&D since the early 90s, when he was introduced by his older brother and cut his teeth on AD&D 2nd Edition. Since then he’s played virtually every RPG he could get his nerdy little mitts on (including a weird Goth phase in the early 2000s when he rocked Vampire: The Masquerade pretty hard). His favorite D&D campaign setting is the Forgotten Realms and his favorite character to play was a Half-Orc Barbarian named Grug (who was unfortunately devoured by a gelatinous cube).
