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The 10 Best DnD One Shots for New Players

We break out a list of amazing adventures for beginners to Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition

Over the past few years DnD 5e has become increasingly popular, with millions of new players being introduced to the game. Unfortunately, DnD can also be a bit overwhelming, with beginners often struggling to understand the basics of character creation, combat and role-playing itself. And while setting up a longterm campaign can be an incredibly rewarding experience, sometimes the best to learn is during a single session adventure that allows players to make mistakes, pick up the rules and, most importantly, have fun.

The good news is that there are actually a number of amazing one shot adventures designed to entertain new players while also teaching them the basics. So grab your dice and break out your character sheets as we jump into… the 10 best DnD One Shots for New Players!

The cover to the beginner-friendly DnD 5e one shot "Bandit's Nest," which features a group of Kenku raven bandits on standing on a dirt road.

10. Bandit’s Nest

A perfect DnD 5e one shot for beginners, this adventure is designed for a Level 1 party and can be easily wrapped up in about 4-5 hours. The story takes place near the ruins of a long-abandoned temple which has been taken over by a flock of kenku bandits who have been preying on the nearby area. It’s up to the players to infiltrate the kenku’s nest, recover their stolen treasure and free a number of innocent prisoners. It’s an incredibly fun adventure that allows new players to experience and understand all the basics of DnD 5e when it comes to combat, exploration, dungeon crawling and roleplaying. The adventure also includes a ton of maps and advice for new Dungeon Masters who are cutting their teeth on their first adventure.

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The cover art for the DnD one shot "Harried in Hillsfar" which features a village on the edge of a creepy forest.

9. Harried in Hillsfar

Originally released for the D&D Adventurer’s League, this introductory one shot is perfect for new players and is designed for a group of Level 1 characters. The adventure – which can be wrapped up in about 5 hours – takes place in the Forgotten Realms in the Moonsea region. The players arrive in the remote village of Elventree where the locals find themselves at odds with the nefarious rulers of the nearby city of Hillsfar. It’s up the players to discover what Hillsfar is up to and get to the bottom of an even greater threat in the area. Notably, this one shot actually broken up into five one hour “mini adventures,” each of which explores a different aspect of DnD 5e, making it a solid introduction for new players.

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The cover to the DnD one shot for new players entitled "Grammy's Country Apple Pie," featuring an evil goblin eating a slice of apple pie.

8. Grammy’s Country Apple Pie

This kid-friendly one shot is the perfect way to introduce DnD 5e to a younger audience (although adults will likely enjoy it just as much). The adventure kicks off when the ancient wizard Tyndareus develops a craving for – what else? -the greatest apple pie in the world! To get it, he hires the players to seek out a magical bakery capable of creating just such a dessert. Unfortunately, the bakery has long since been overrun by goblins and it’s up to our players to deal with them. The adventure includes six pre-generated characters and is a perfect mix of all-ages action, roleplaying and exploration that covers all the basics of the DnD 5e rules set.

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The cover to the DnD one shot "Tower of the Mad Mage," featuring a wizard's fortress in the depths of the wilderness.

7. Tower of the Mad Mage

Another great DnD one shot option for new players, Tower of the Mad Mage is a 4 to 6 hour adventure designed for 1st level characters. Set in the the Forgotten Realms in the village of Longsaddle (a location featured in several of the Legend of Drizzt books), the adventure kicks off when a goblin named Skwelch convinces the players to accompany him to an abandoned wizard’s tower where an ancient treasure awaits. But all is not as it seems with both the ancient ruins and our heroes’ newfound goblin companion. It’s a fun and fast-paced adventure that’s perfect for players looking to experience their first taste of DnD 5e.

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The cover to the DnD one shot "The Delian Tomb," showing a skeleton sitting on an ancient throne.

6. The Delian Tomb

Based on a one shot DnD concept created by legendary RPG designer Matt Colville, this short but satisfying adventure is ideal for new players. The story kicks off with the heroes escorting a caravan through the countryside. But when a powerful storm forces them to take shelter in a nearby farm they soon uncover an ancient evil dwelling in a nearby tomb. The adventure is also perfect for first-time Dungeon Masters, requiring minimal set up to get going and covering all the basics of the rules when it comes to combat, exploration and narrative roleplaying.

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5. A Wild Sheep Chase

Designed by popular third-party publisher Winghorn Press, this fast and incredibly funny one shot is designed for Level 1 characters and can be wrapped up in about 3-6 hours. The adventure kicks off when the party encounters a sorcerer who happens to have been magically transformed into a sheep. The players soon find themselves caught up in an adventure that involves an ancient artifact and angry assassins, and must deal with series of deadly puzzles and whacky NPC encounters. It’s a great one shot for new players looking to pick up the basics and experience a hilarious dose of DnD action.

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The cover art for the DnD 5e introductory adventure "Death House," featuring a creep manor at night under a full moon.

4. Death House

An introductory adventure for the larger Curse of Strahd campaign (arguably one of the best DnD 5e campaigns of all time), Death House also works perfectly as a standalone one shot and can be dropped into just about any setting. The adventure is designed for Level 1 characters and takes place in the cursed land of Barovia. There, players find themselves trapped in an ancient manor whose former occupants were killed by a terrible curse. The players must then work together to escape and solve the mystery. The result is not only a great DnD horror one shot, but an adventure that’s perfect for beginner players looking to pick up the basics of DnD 5e.

Get it from Wizards of the Coast

The cover to the DnD 5e one shot adventure "The Wolves of Welton," showing a stylized painted wolf howling at the top of a mountain at sunset.

3. The Wolves of Welton

Designed for players of Levels 2-3, this introductory one shot is great for beginners and can easily be wrapped up in about 3-6 hours. The story takes place in the village of Welton, where residents are being accosted by pack of mysterious wolves. With food running low and the local sorcerer-in-residence nowhere to be found, the village hires the players to take out the deadly beasts. It’s a smart and incredibly satisfying adventure that new players and DMs will love (the creepy vibes would also make it work great as a Halloween one shot). The adventure also includes a number of solid maps and story notes, letting your group get up and running with minimal setup or knowledge required.

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The cover to the DnD one shot adventure "A Most Potent Brew," showing a wizard in purple robes holding up a beaker filled with pink smoke.

2. A Most Potent Brew

Designed for 1st level characters, this unique one shot adventure uses the simplified DnD 5e beginner rules set and can be completed in about 2-3 hours. The story takes place at a famous brewery in a remote village, with players tasked with exterminating a nest of giant rats that have taken up residence in the cellar. The party, however, soon discovers a set of ancient ruins that exist below the brewery and must overcome a series of monsters, puzzles and challenges. It’s a fast, fun and incredibly well-designed introductory adventure that showcases everything that makes DnD so entertaining.

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The cover to the DnD beginners one shot "The Frozen Sick," showing an adventurer looking out over a frozen mountain range with a tower in the distance.

1. The Frozen Sick

Many new DnD 5e players have come to the game thanks to the popularity of the Critical Role podcast and animated series. So this free one shot is a perfect option for beginners. The action takes place in the same world as Critical Role (the magical land of Exandria) with players tasked with stopping a magical plague that has afflicted a remote village. The adventure is designed for 1st level characters and can be wrapped up in about 6 to 8 hours of play. It features exploration, combat, puzzle solving, and an amazing dungeon crawl, making it easily one of the best ways for new players to experience everything that makes for a great DnD adventure.

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Ollie Delano is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in Journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He’s been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over 10 years and currently plays in a weekly game group where he rolls way too many natural 1s and chugs way too much Mountain Dew. His favorite D&D campaign setting is Eberron and his favorite character to play was a Tiefling rogue named Draxiss who enjoys both literal and figurative backstabbing.

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