New DnD 5e Crafting Rules (Deep Dive)
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In Dungeons & Dragons, players’ actions are limited only by their imaginations and the stats on their character sheet. Yet one one overlooked area of the rules is how crafting works in DnD 5e. In fact, over the past decade Wizards of the Coast has provided only a loose framework to govern how players can make their own unique items. It’s a somewhat glaring oversight given the popularity of crafting mechanics in video games and other TTRPGs.
Fortunately, it’s an issue that’s been addressed in the new 2024 Player’s Handbook, which has introduced new crafting rules that allow players to create their own weapons, armor, potions and even magic items.
So just how does crafting work in the new DnD 5e rules? Below, we gather up our supplies and hammer out all the details.

What are the New Crafting Rules in DnD 5e?
The new DnD 5e crafting rules featured in the 2024 Core Rules are designed to simplify and enhance the crafting process, making it more accessible and rewarding for players. Below are the key elements of the new rules.
- Tools Have Specific Functions: Each tool now has something known as a “Utilize Action” which tells how it can be used in both crafting and in other ways. For example, using Cobbler’s Tools can be used to make shoes, but when combined with an Investigation check they can also be used to track an individual by their footprints.
- Tools Are Associated With Ability Scores: Each tool is now tied to one ability score, which also allows you to add your Proficiency Bonus if you’re proficient with that tool. Additionally, you Advantage on ability checks you make that use both a skill and a tool you are proficient with.
- Cost Per Day Has Been Changed: Crafting a nonmagical item requires you to collect material worth half the cost of purchasing it, rounded down. For example, you’ll need 25 GP of raw materials to make Alchemist’s Fire, which is worth 50 GP. Notably the time required for crafting has also been sped up, with nonmagical items taking increments of 10 GP per day (as opposed to 5 GP per day in the 2014 rules).
- All Tools Have Price & Function List: As part of the new DnD 5e crafting system, every single item featured in the Adventure Gear table in the 2024 Player’s Handbook now tells you the price and what it can be used for as a crafting item, including what ability scores are required to successfully create an item. For example, players proficient with cartographers tools can now create maps that have valuable in-game benefits.
- Weapons & Armor Can Be Crafted: Smith’s Tools allow you to craft any metal Melee weapon, Medium armor or Heavy armor. You can also use them to craft ranged weapon ammunition. Similarly, Artisan, Weaver and Leatherworker’s Tools allow you to create or augment non-metal armor and weapons.
- New Ways to Craft: There are also different enhancements to crafting in the 2024 rules. For example, as part of the new 2024 DnD Backgrounds you can choose the “Crafter” Origin Feat which grants proficiency with three different Artisan’s Tools and the ability to create useful items like Torches, Rope, Nets and Grappling Hooks. Similarly, the new Battle Master Fighter receives the “Student of War” feature, which grants proficiency with a set of Artisan’s Tools. Below is the Fast Crafting table which is available to characters with these new DnD Feats.
Artisan’s Tools | Crafted Gear |
Carpenter’s Tools | Ladder, Torch |
Leatherworker’s Tools | Case, Pouch |
Mason’s Tools | Block and Tackle |
Potter’s Tools | Jug, Lamp |
Smith’s Tools | Ball Bearings, Bucket, Caltrops, |
Grappling Hook, Iron Pot | |
Tinker’s Tools | Bell, Shovel, Tinder Box |
Weaver’s Tools | Basket, Rope, Net, Tent |
Woodcarver’s Tools | Club, Greatclub, Quarterstaff |

What are the new rules for crafting magic items in DnD 5e?
While the 2024 Player’s Handbook focuses primarily on non-magical items, it does offer a few
- Spell Scrolls Can Be Crafted: Using Calligrapher’s Supplies you can now manufacture spell scrolls (notably you gain proficiency with the Supplies if you have The Artisan, Acolyte, Sage or Scribe background). You will need to pay crafting costs, with a level 2 spell costing 100 GP (significantly lower than the 250 GP featured in the 2014 rules). Alternatively, you can use Arcana to craft Spell Scrolls. In all cases, however, spells cast from a homemade scroll will use the spell save DC and attack bonus of the crafter.
- Healing Potions Can Be Crafted: The Herbalism Kit allows you to craft Antitoxins, Candles, Healer’s Kits and Potions of Healing (the latter requires a full day’s work and 25 GP of materials).
Notably, the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide will provide more information on how players can create enchanted items, including uncommon magic items and rarer, more powerful items at higher levels. These rules will follow the same basic outline of standard crafting, providing information on the specific components and proficiencies/abilities that characters will need to be able to make specific magic items.
These new DnD magic items crafting rules open up a ton of possibility for roleplaying, combat and exploration, and you could see entire adventures focused on players trying to get the necessary components needed to forge their own magic items.

Final Thoughts
The new crafting rules seek to fill a much-needed gap in the DnD 5e rules, letting players find more users for their hard-earned gold and offering more agency over the types of items they can use. It remains to be seen, however, if these rules will be widely adopted by the larger DnD 5e community and how they translate onto the table.
Full details on the new DnD 5e crafting rules can be found in the new 2024 Player’s Handbook, which you can pre-order now on D&D Beyond and Amazon.
In the meantime, below is also a video from the official Dungeons & Dragons YouTube channel that features an interview with lead designer Jeremy Crawford who discusses the new crafting mechanics in greater detail.
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