The 10 Best DnD 5e Character Sheets
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When it comes to the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons (better known to fans as DnD 5e), there are a few essentials that every player and Dungeon Master needs: a good set of dice, plenty of heavily salted snack treats, and of course, a character sheet. In fact, when you look past the rule books, adventure modules and fancy DM screens, DnD 5e character sheets are really the beating heart of the game, capturing the essence of a player in a few simple blocks of text and numbers.
There are however, literally hundreds of different options when it comes to character sheets, with everything from classic printable versions to online digital variants, apps and even custom options for specific DnD 5e classes and player types. Fortunately, we’ve sorted through them and put together this list of the top options when it comes to design and functionality.
So grab you dice and get ready to roll up some stats as we dig into the 10 best DnD 5e character sheets.

10. D&D Character Sheets Pack
If you’re the type of gamer who likes the feel of having a pencil and paper in hand, then this official DnD 5e character sheet pack from Wizards of the Coast may be your best bet. The set includes four different styles of character sheets printed on high-quality paper. It also feature a basic introductory character sheet for new players and a folder that’s not only great way to store your sheets, but also includes a quick reference guide of actions your character can take during combat. While there are free downloadable PDF versions of the DnD 5e character sheets available (in fact we have one on this list), this pack offers a ton of bang for a few bucks.

9. Class Character Sheets Bundle
If you’re looking for a character sheet for a specific DnD 5e class, then this bundle has you covered. The downloadable product includes over 80 different options, including standard print and editable PDF versions. The bundle features character sheets for just about any class you can think of: from standard options like Fighters and Clerics, to more custom sub-classes like the Bloodhunter and Pugilist. It also includes extra sheets to track abilities, spells and even a Druid’s Wildshape. Created by noted RPG designer Emmet Byrne, the bundle is available exclusive on DMsGuild for a few bucks and is worth every penny for the sheer amount of options that it comes with.

8. Etsy Custom Sheets
If you’re looking for something a little more visually appealing when it comes to your DnD 5e character sheets, then look no farther than Etsy. The fact is there are a ton of amazing graphic designers and artist who create gorgeous looking options for specific classes and themes. Two of our favorites come from Mythbound and Azure & Copper, both of whom create incredibly unique designs that are practical to use during play while also looking absolutely stunning. There are a ton of other stores on Etsy that sell similar products, with new options coming out on a regular basis. Some Etsy designers also work on commission, letting you create a custom design to suit your particular character or campaign.

7. New Player Character Sheet
New DnD 5e players can often be overwhelmed by character sheets, which can seem like a confusing array of complicated numbers and terminology. Fortunately, there are a lot of options out there to simplify the rules for first time players. One of our favorites is the New Player Character Sheet, which is available exclusively from DMsGuild. This streamlined design breaks out stats, abilities and skills in an easy to understand way that’s perfect for newbies and younger players alike. It’s a great way to learn the rules and start playing.

6. Fifth Edition Character Sheet App
If you’re the type of player who’d rather go digital, then this mobile app might be the perfect solution. The popular Fifth Edition Character Sheet App does just what the name suggests, offering a simple, easy-to-use way to create and manage your characters. Available for both Android and iOS, it integrates with the latest DnD 5e ruleset and automatically does the number crunching for you when it comes to bonuses, attack rolls and modifiers. It also includes a character creator mode and customization options that will work on just about any combination of level, race and class you can think of.
Get it on Android or Get it on iOS

5. Fast Character
If you’re looking to whip up a character as quickly as possible, then Fast Character is a great option. This free-to-use website is completely integrated with the latest DnD 5e rules and lets you choose the options you want with simple drop down menus, with all of the bonuses and modifiers automatically calculated for you. The final character sheet it produces is also pretty stylish and you can export it as a printable PDF in a variety of different formats and layouts. Fast Character also happens to be a great option for Dungeon Masters looking to whip up a quick NPC on the fly before (or even during) a session.

4. R-N-W Character Sheets
While there are some amazing custom DnD 5e character sheets out there on sites like Etsy, for our money it’s hard to top the options that are available from the nerd loving designers at R-N-W. Beautifully created and available in a ton of different options, these aren’t so much character sheets as they are absolute works of art. The price tag can be a little on the high side (especially considering there are plenty of free options available), but if you’re looking to have a character sheet that turns some heads at the table, then you’ll be hard pressed to find anything quite as awesome as these custom bad boys.

3. Character Journals
If you’re looking for a way to really track your character’s progress, then you might want to think about picking up a DnD 5e character journal. There are a ton of different options available on Etsy and other sites that allow you to enter your stats and also keep track of notes and milestones in your ongoing campaign. There are literally dozens of absolutely gorgeous options on the market, with a wide range of designs, formats and styles. Some of our all-time favorites comes from Everything Dice (who sells on both Etsy and their own website) which offer journals that are both practical and incredibly stylish.

2. D&D Beyond Character Sheets
While D&D Beyond does require a subscription to use, there’s no doubt that it’s also one of the best options when it comes to character sheets for DnD 5e. As the official platform owned by Wizards of the Coast, the desktop and mobile app version feature the latest rules options and let you easily create a character in a few simple steps. It’s perfect for play both in person and via virtual tabletop, and you can easily create and mange multiple characters. It also allows you to roll virtual dice and customize the design, look and feel of your sheet. While the price tag might be off putting to some players, there’s no doubt that it’s also one of the best options when it comes to streamlined character creation.

1. Character Sheets from Wizards of the Coast
Sometimes the simplest option is also the best. That’s definitely the case with the free character sheet PDFs from Wizards of the Coast. While they’re definitely not as fancy as some of the other digital and print options on this list, they work just as well. In fact, you can grab a number of options from the WotC website, including sheets for new players and even pre-made characters. All of the designs can be saved as printable PDFs and all that you need to get started is a set of dice, a pencil and a Player’s Handbook. It’s an old school option that still stands the test of time.
Get it on Wizards of the Coast
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Paige Stuart is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where she majored in English Literature at Northwestern University. She’s relatively new to Dungeons & Dragons having started playing 5th edition several years ago. Her favorite D&D campaign setting so far is the Forgotten Realms and her favorite character to play is a Wizard named Felician who hurls both bad puns and fireballs with equal ease.
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