Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (Deep Dive)
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Over the long 50 years history of Dungeons & Dragons, there have been a ton of amazing adventures across all editions. One of the most beloved adventures, however, remains The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, a module which was first released in 1982 and written by DnD co-creator Gary Gygax. The adventure stands out for its unique environments and monsters, as well as for introducing the iconic DnD sorcerer known as Tasha.
Now, the caverns are getting a modern upgrade in the form of a new adventure entitled Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, which is available now for free on D&D Beyond.
So just what can we expect to see in this return to Tsojcanth’s domain? Below we delve into its depths.

What is Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth about?
Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth is updated version of the classic adventure module, while utilizing the new DnD 5e rules and monster stat blocks. It’s designed for four to six Level 9 characters and can be wrapped up in a single session, making it an ideal one shot adventure. In fact, the adventure is actually abridged, quick-play version of “The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth,” a larger adventure which appears in the adventure anthology Quests from the Infinite Staircase.
The story itself takes place deep in the remote Yatil Mountains, which are home to the titular Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, a vast underground network that was once occupied by the legendary archmage Iggwilv the Witch Queen. Players are drawn to the area by the promise of a massive fortune in treasure and magical items which Iggwilv had amassed over the course of her existence.

Notably, the adventure is being given away to D&D Beyond subscribers part of Dungeons & Dragons 50th anniversary and will be run by Wizards of the Coast at a variety of conventions and local game stores from March 29th to April 29th, 2024 as part of their D&D 50th Anniversary Play series.
The adventure also features optional “Tournament Rules” which reward (or penalize) the group of players based on certain actions they completed during the course of the adventure. This is a throwback to older DnD tournaments that were held in the 1980s, with winners receiving prizes and bragging rights.

What is the original The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth adventure about?
The original Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (also known as module S4) was an adventure published in 1982 by TSR for the first edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Written by Gary Gygax, the module is set in the world of Greyhawk and came in two parts: a 32-page adventure booklet and a 32-page booklet featuring a variety of monsters and magic items (the latter of which was a first for the game).
The story involves the players investigating rumors of lost treasure, with the character required to traverse a deadly stretch of wilderness and two separate levels of dungeons before facing down Drelnza, a vampire and the daughter of the archmage Iggwilv (better known as the popular DnD sorcerer Tasha).

Notably, the publication was an expansion of a tournament adventure entitled The Lost Caverns of Tsojconth that Gary Gygax had first produced for the 1976 WinterCon V gaming convention. That version was incredibly short and primarily focused on the dungeon area. In the updated 1982 version, Gygax added a new wilderness area and additional materials based on earlier work by longtime TSR game designer Robert J. Kuntz.
The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was later included in the 1987 supermodule Realms of Horror, and updated for DnD 3.5 in 2007 as an online module. To this day it reamins of the most popular DnD adventures of all time, and is one of only four modules to receive the “S” (for special) designation in its title, with the others including Tomb of Horrors (Module S1), White Plume Mountain (Module S2) and Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (Module S3).

When was Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth released?
Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was released on March 25th, 2024 on D&D Beyond. It was, however, actually first teased at GaryCon (the annual RPG convention named in honor of DnD co-creator Gary Gygax).
During the event, Wizards of the Coast staff actually ran the adventure for attendees using the optional Tournament Rules included in the adventure, with prizes being given to the winners. They will also be running similar tournaments at other events over the course of the year as part of the ongoing 50th Anniversary D&D celebration.

How much is Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth?
The adventure is completely free to all D&D Beyond subscribers, which is surprising given that comparable adventures (such as the recently released Heroes Feast: Saving the Children’s Menu) retail for $4.99 USD.
Notably it is not part of the existing Adventurers League program or available on DMsGuild or on VTTs such as Roll20.

Final Thoughts
It’s exciting to see a classic, old school DnD adventure being dusted off by Wizards of the Coast. You can pick up the adventure now for free on D&D Beyond.
Below is also a recent video from the official Dungeons & Dungeons YouTube channel which offers some information on what to expect.
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Ollie Delano is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in Journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He’s been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over 10 years and currently plays in a weekly game group where he rolls way too many natural 1s and chugs way too much Mountain Dew. His favorite D&D campaign setting is Eberron and his favorite character to play was a Tiefling rogue named Draxiss who enjoys both literal and figurative backstabbing.
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