The 20 Best Uncommon Magic Items in DnD 5e
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If there’s one thing that all Dungeons & Dragons players have in common, it’s a love of magic items. That’s because in DnD 5e, magic items have the ability to impact the game in countless unique ways. From levelling the battlefield in combat to opening up new avenues of roleplaying and exploration, the possibilities are limited only by the imaginations of players and Dungeon Masters. And while Legendary and Rare items often steal the sorcerous spotlight, Uncommon magic items are far more likely to be found and used by players without potentially unbalancing a campaign.
Yet with hundreds of uncommon magic items in DnD 5e to choose from, it’s hard to know just which ones are worth picking up. To help sort the treasure from the trinkets, we’ve curated a list of our top picks. Each magic item has been selected for its utility, uniqueness and sheer fun factor. To keep things simple, we’ve also included whether the object needs attunement, what it is and why we picked it.
So open up your bag of holding and prepare to get your loot lon as we uncover… the 20 best uncommon magic items for DnD 5e!

20. Helm of Telepathy
Attunement: Yes
What is it: The Helm of Telepathy allows you to use the detect thoughts spell at will (with a DC 13 save). As an action, you can also cast the suggestion spell on the target (also with a DC 13 save). If that wasn’t enough as a bonus action, you can also send telepathic messages to any creature within 30 feet that you can see, with the target able to respond in turn.
Why we picked it: The ability to read thoughts, alter minds and communicate telepathically offers significant advantages to players in both social interactions and combat. Whether negotiating with a hostile NPC or coordinating with allies without saying a word, the Helm of Telepathy is a powerful uncommon magic item that provides a strategic edge by tapping into a player’s greatest weapon: their own mind.

19. Eversmoking Bottle
Attunement: No
What is it: An Eversmoking Bottle appears like a normal bottle, but when opened creates a cloud of thick smoke that fills a 60-foot radius and heavily obscures the area. The radius of smoke increases by 10 feet for each minute the bottle is open (up to a maximum of 120 feet) and will persists until the bottle is closed; which requires an action and a command word.
Why we picked it: While the bottle might seem like a glorified smoke bomb, it’s another uncommon magic item with a ton of versatility. From creating cover and confusing enemies to staging dramatic entrances or escapes, it’s a classic DnD 5e artifact that has a countless number of uses.

18. Slippers of Spider Climbing
Attunement: Yes
What is it: Slippers of Spider Climbing allows you to move up, down and across vertical surfaces and even walk upside down along ceilings without having to use your hands. While moving this way, your climbing speed is equal to your walking speed.
Why we picked it: This unique magic footwear offer a ton of potential both in and out of battle. From sneaking past guards or scaling a sheer cliff, to sniping enemies while hanging upside down, these enchanted slippers that are as as comfortable as they are capable.

17. Broom of Flying
Attunement: Yes
What is it: The Broom of Flying is a magical broomstick that can carry up to 400 pounds and fly at a speed of 50 feet (although this becomes 30 feet if it’s carrying over 200 pounds). You can also command it to fly ahead to a specific location within 1 mile (as long as you’re familiar with the place) and you can summon it back with a command word.
Why we picked it: For characters, the ability to fly is a literal game changer and the Broom of Flying offers potential for use in both travel and combat scenarios. Whether escaping from danger or scouting ahead, it’s the ultimate way to fly the unfriendly skies, not to mention the best way for players to live out their Quidditch fantasies in DnD 5e.

16. Rope of Climbing
Attunement: No
What is it: The Rope of Climbing is a 60-foot length of silk rope that will also obey your commands, including extending or shortening in length, and even moving on its own to secure itself to a location. It can also hold up to 3,000 pounds and when commanded can create knots at 1 foot intervals that work as footholds, offering advantage when you’re doing a climbing check.
Why we picked it: A rope is a necessity for any good DnD 5e adventurer, but this unique magical item takes it a step further. Not only does it help with climbing, but creative players can use it for a variety of other purposes, including setting up traps, scouting ahead or securing incredibly heavy loads. The end result is one rope to rule them all.

15. Dust of Corrosion
Attunement: No
What is it: Dust of Corrosion is a unique magic item made from finely ground rust monster antennae. As an action, you can throw this dust into the air, filling a 10-foot cube. Anything that’s made of non-magical metal instantly corrodes and turns to dust. Even better, any creatures made out of metal, must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or taking 4d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one (sorry, Iron Golems).
Why we picked it: This is yet another incredibly versatile magic item that has an almost limitless number of uses both in and out of combat. From damaging the armor of an enemy in battle to burning through a treasure vault door, a single pinch of this devious dust goes a long ways.

14. Wand of Magic Missiles
Attunement: No
What is it: The Wand of Magic Missiles holds 7 charges of the iconic magic missile spell. As an action, you can expend 1 or more of these charges, which cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend (for example, expending four charges would cast a fourth level version of the spell). The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes.
Why we picked it: Magic Missile is a classic DnD 5e spell, and the ability to cast it (especially as a higher level variant) means this wand pack a serious punch. Best of all, unlike other wands, there is no attunement required and any class can use it. It’s a surprisingly powerful and versatile magical weapon that can change the outcome of a battle with a flick of the wrist.

13. Goggles of Night
Attunement: Yes
What is it: Goggles of Night grants the wearer darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If the user already has darkvision, it extends the range by an additional 60 feet.
Why we picked it: While Darkvision is often misunderstood as a mechanic, it’s still a crucial ability in DnD 5e, particularly when it comes to combat and exploration. For that reason, Goggles of Night are an absolutely indispensable magic item and useful to virtually any character. Whether exploring a dark dungeon or sneaking through a shadowy city, these enchanted eyewear can you help spot trouble before it shows up.

12. Bracers of Archery
Attunement: Yes
What is it: Bracers of Archery are magical armbands that grant the wearer proficiency with longbows and shortbows. Additionally, they provide a +2 bonus to damage rolls on ranged attacks made with those types of weapons.
Why we picked it: For archers, these bracers offer a a significant boost, enhancing damage output. The proficiency also opens the door for non-traditional DnD 5e classes (like Sorcerers or Wizards) to potentially become a deadly marksman, adding a new dimension of strategy to combat. In short, these uncommon magic items definitely hit the mark.

11. Quiver of Ehlonna
Attunement: No
What is it: The Quiver of Ehlonna has three compartments, each of which connects to an extradimensional space. The shortest compartment can hold up to sixty arrows, bolts or similar objects. The midsize compartment holds up to eighteen javelins or similar objects. The longest compartment holds up to six long objects, such as bows, quarterstaffs or spears.
Why we picked it: Like other storage-based magic items in DnD 5e, the Quiver of Ehlonna is a game changer for archers and martial classes, ensuring that there’s always plenty of ammo on hand when you need it most.

10. Alchemy Jug
Attunement: No
What is it: The Alchemy Jug is an uncommon magic item that offers incredible possibilities in DnD 5e. Each day it can produce up to 10 different liquids, ranging from water and beer to poison and yes, even mayonnaise.
Why we picked it: The Alchemy Jug’s ability to produce a wide range of liquids is both hilarious and incredibly helpful. It can provide fresh water in a desert, whip up a batch of poison for assassination or pump out oil to start a blaze. In short, its use is limited only by what clever players can come up with.

9. Cloak of the Manta Ray
Attunement: No
What is it: The Cloak of the Manta Ray is a sleek, black cloak that transforms into fins and gills when you put it on and enter into water. It then grants the ability to breathe underwater and provides a swim speed of 60 feet.
Why we picked it: Underwater adventures present unique challenges, but the Cloak of the Manta Ray provides an elegant solution. It’s an essential magic item for exploring sunken ruins, combating aquatic foes or traversing deep oceans. It’s amazing apparel that opens up a whole new world of adventure beneath the waves.

8. Gloves of Thievery
Attunement: No
What is it: Gloves of Thievery are completely invisible while worn and grant the wearer a +5 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks and Dexterity checks made to pick locks.
Why we picked it: These unique magic items are indispensable for DnD 5e Rogues, upping their game when picking locks, picking pockets, disarming traps and other activities that require razor sharp precious and reflexes. Like the best thieves, these gloves are both stylish and sneaky.

7. Immovable Rod
Attunement: No
What is it: The Immovable Rod is an uncommon artifact that when activated, becomes fixed in place, holding up to 8,000 pounds of weight, defying gravity and remaining stationary until deactivated. To move it when activated requires a successful DC 30 Strength check just to drag it a mere 10 feet away.
Why we picked it: While the Immovable Rod might seem like nothing more than a glorified paperweight, the reality is that it’s a magic item with unlimited uses. From creating impromptu ladders to securing doors, shutting down traps or pinning enemies in place, clever DnD 5e players will always be able to find new and ingenious ways to leverage this simple yet powerful creation.

6. Winged Boots
Attunement: Yes
What is it: Winged Boots allow the wearer to fly for up to 4 hours at a speed equal to their walking speed. If you are flying when the duration expires, you descend at a rate of 30 feet per round until you land. The boots also regain 2 hours of flying capability for every 12 hours they aren’t in use.
Why we picked it: Flight is an incredibly powerful ability in DnD5e, and these magical boots offer the perfect way to take to the air. They can be used in combat, exploration and countless other situations that a character might encounter over the course of their adventures. Forget walking. These boots are made for flying and that’s just what they’ll do.

5. Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Attunement: Yes
What is it: Gauntlets of Ogre Power grant their wearer a Strength score of 19. Notably, they have no effect on you if your Strength is already 19 or higher.
Why we picked it: While these uncommon magical gauntlets may not be groundbreaking for characters who already have a fairly high Strength score, where they really open up possibilities is for characters who aren’t exactly jacked. Imagine a sickly Wizard who can now punch through walls or a pint-sized halfling Rogue who can now lift over 300 pounds. They’re the perfect way for your character to get swole without hitting the gym.

4. Robe of Useful Items
Attunement: No
What is it: The Robe of Useful Items is adorned with stylized magical patches that can be detached to create various real-life objects, such as a ladder, a portable ram or even a horse. Unfortunately, once the patch is removed it can’t be reapplied and once all patches are gone it reverts to a simple, non-magical garment.
Why we picked it: As its name suggest The Robe of Useful Items is incredibly well… useful. In fact, this single uncommon magic item offering solutions to an endless number of problems. Whether you need a quick escape, a tool for a specific task or a sudden ally, it’s one robe that’s both fashionable and flexible.

3. Boots of Elvenkind
Attunement: No
What is it: Boots of Elvenkind grant the wearer advantage on Stealth checks, allowing you to move silently.
Why we picked it: Stealth is a crucial skill for many adventurers, and the Boots of Elvenkind provide a significant boost to this ability. Whether sneaking past guards, infiltrating enemy territory, or simply moving undetected in dangerous environments, these boots are an invaluable asset for stealthy DnD 5e classes like Rogues and Rangers. At the same time, they also up open possibilities for characters who aren’t exactly light on their feet, helping to negate the disadvantage that larger, more heavily armored characters might have.

2. Luckstone (Stone of Good Luck)
Attunement: Yes
What is it: A Luckstone (also known as a Stone of Good Luck) grants a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws.
Why we picked it: Luck plays a huge role in DnD 5e, with players often surviving by sheer chance alone. That’s why the Luckstone’s consistent bonus can make a notable difference in the success and survival of characters who are fortunate enough to have one of these magical items in their inventory. In a game where the roll of a die can determine life or death, the Luckstone is a small but mighty ally.

1. Bag of Holding
Attunement: No
What is it: A Bag of Holding remains one of the most iconic of all uncommon DnD 5e magic items. Appearing as a simple bag, it’s able to store up to 500 pounds in a 64 cubic foot pocket dimension. Just be careful toting these around. If damaged or destroyed, its contents are spilled across the Astral Plane itself.
Why we picked it: A Bag of Holding is the ultimate inventory management item, letting adventurers carry treasure and gear without having to worry about encumbrance. It also offers up plenty of roleplaying potential with the ability to smuggle in contraband and even living beings into hard to reach areas. As an added effect, stuffing another interdimensional portal into the bag (such as a handy haversack or portable hole) instantly destroys both items and opens up a random portal that sucks individuals nearby to another plane of existence, making it a potentially useful way to take down a heavy hitting villain.
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Paige Stuart is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where she majored in English Literature at Northwestern University. She’s relatively new to Dungeons & Dragons having started playing 5th edition several years ago. Her favorite D&D campaign setting so far is the Forgotten Realms and her favorite character to play is a Wizard named Felician who hurls both bad puns and fireballs with equal ease.
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