The 10 Best Dungeon Master Gifts for 2024
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Dungeon Masters are often the unsung heroes of Dungeons & Dragons, spending hours behind the scenes (and behind the screen) crafting worlds, managing NPCs, running combat, navigating rules and ensuring that players always have an amazing time. It also often falls to DMs to spend their own hard earned money to pick up many the necessary items to run a successful campaign.
That’s why if you’re looking to show your appreciation for the DM in your life, choosing the right gift can go a long way. Whether it’s for the holidays, a special occasion or to celebrate international GM’s Day, there’s plenty of reasons to show your DM a little love. That’s why we’ve put together this list which breaks out a few of our favorites. So prepare to score a critical hit with your DM as we roll up… the 10 best Dungeon Master gift ideas.

10. Dungeon Master’s Screen
A DM screen is an essential tool for running the game and keeping notes and dice rolls away from prying eyes. The good news is that there are a ton of amazing DM screens out there, ranging from high-end creations from brands like Wyrmwood to more simple cardboard designs. There are also both official and unofficial versions to choose from that cover almost any style and use.

9. Miniatures
If you play in person, you know that DnD can really to life through miniatures of player characters, NPCs and monsters. There’s also an almost endless number to choose from, ranging from high-end sclupts to 3D printing your own. You can also choose from pre-painted or unpainted versions, as well as official and unofficial options for DnD 5e. One great idea is to put together minis of your party. It’s an easy way to show your DM a little appreciation and bring added realism to your next adventure.

8. Battlemats
While you can play Dungeons & Dragons using only your imagination and theatre of the mind, using a DnD battlemat can really bring the game to life and add tactical depth to combat. There are a ton of battlemat options out there, with everything from pre-printed designs to dry erase mats that allow you to quickly sketch out details on a hex or square grid. It’s a gift that both DMs and your fellow players will get plenty of use out of.

7. Adventure Modules and Sourcebooks
New DnD sourcebooks can help inspire Dungeon Masters and keep campaigns fresh and exciting. If you’re running a DnD 5e campaign, there are also a ton of options out there that include both official Wizards of the Coast content and third-party materials. One possible option is to pick up new DnD 2024 rules as a gift, which is something that both DMs and players will get a ton of value out of.

6. DM Notebooks
A beautiful leather-bound journal or notebook can make any Dungeon Master’s prep time feel more magical. There are also hundreds of amazing DM notebooks on the market that include everything from high-end options with quality paper and binding, to more simple designs. We recommend picking up a DM notebook with gridded paper, campaign trackers and sections for tracking maps, NPCs and story ideas.

5. VTT Subscriptions
Modern DMs often use digital tools to manage their games, even in cases where you’re playing in person. D&D Beyond is a great example of this, with many DMs and players using it for character creation or quick rules lookups. Gifting a subscription or license to one of these digital platforms or VTTs is a gift that can make your DM’s life easier in addition to improving the overall campaign experience both online and at the table.

4. Music & SFX Tools
One of the best ways to create real ambiance during a DnD session is by using music and sound effects. In fact, there are dozens of platforms that are designed to do just that, offering everything from epic battle music to the earsplitting shriek of an enraged dragon. You can grab your DM a subscription or gift them a download of some of the best tracks and sound effects.

3. DM Book Bag
If you play in person at different locations (like your local game store), then you probably know just how much stuff a Dungeon Master has to carry. We’re talking about everything from books and miniatures to dice, pens, maps, paper and. laptops. Fortunately, there are actually companies out there that manufacture high-end bags designed solely for DMs on the go. It’s an amazing gift your DM is guaranteed to love.

2. Custom Dice Sets
Every DM loves magic math rocks, and a good DnD dice set is a thoughtful gift that adds flair to any tabletop game. If you want to go the fancy route you can opt for materials like metal, gemstone, or even wood to give rolls a sense of gravitas. Alternatively, there are plenty of more affordable options with unique designs, materials and styles to suit any DM.

1. Showing Up On Time
This is one gift you can give your Dungeon Master that costs absolutely nothing but is something they’ll appreciate more than all the dice, miniatures orDnD sourcebooks in the world. The fact is that scheduling is one of the most difficult, frustrating and annoying parts of being a DM. So simply showing up on time and sticking with an ongoing play schedule is a gift that your DM (and your fellow players) won’t soon forget.
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