The 15 Best DnD Monster Books for 5e
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We face down some of the deadliest creatures from the depths of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons
For as long as Dungeons & Dragons has existed, monsters have been a key part of the game. In fact, over the years literally thousands of deadly creatures, fiends, beasts and baddies have appeared in every edition, with iconic names like beholders, mimics and liches becoming legendary parts of the game’s mythos.
When it comes to DnD 5e in particular, there are literally thousand of stat blocks appearing in dozens of books created by both both Wizards of the Coast and third-party publishers. To help make sense of this growing monstrous menagerie, we’ve collected and ranked our picks for the best fiendish folios.
So prepare to face some of the greatest threats from across the multiverse as we hack and slash our way through… the 15 best DnD monster books for 5e.

15. Monster Manual
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Released: September 2014
Why We Picked It: The first and foremost among DnD monster books, the 2014 Monster Manual is also considered one of the three core books that make up the fifth edition rule set. Coming in at 352 pages in length, the book features over 300 individual creatures, with a range of stat blocks and Challenge Ratings. This includes familiar staples like dragons, orcs and vampires, to more common creatures like wild animals and even a few NPCs. The end result is an essential book for Dungeon Masters, offering up some of the deadliest foe from the heart of DnD.

14. Volo’s Guide to Monsters
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Released: November 2016
Why We Picked It: A sequel of sorts to the 2014 Monster Manual , the book is narrated by the legendary explorer Volothamp Geddarm from the Forgotten Realms. Coming in at 224 pages in length it includes over 100 new monsters, many of which appear in DnD canon for the first time. More than just a standard creature compendium, Volo’s Guide to Monsters also includes a number of new playable character races and expanded lore that covers some of the most iconic creatures from DnD history.

13. Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Released: May 2022
Why We Picked It: Narrated by the powerful sorcerer Mordenkainen from the world of Greyhawk, this 288 page tome includes over 250 unique monsters from across different DnD 5e settings and even planes of existence. It also features 30 new playable races and offer some much-needed clarifications for some of the previously established DnD 5e game mechanics from the 2014 Player’s Handbook. The end result is not only an epic DnD monster book, but a key element of the fifth edition rule set.

12. The Book of Fiends
Publisher: Green Ronin Publishing
Released: March 2022
Why We Picked It: Written by award-winning TTRPG designer Robert J. Schwalb, The Book of Fiends is 254 pages that delves into the infernal side of DnD 5e, offering up over 130 unique demons, fiends and hellspawn conjured up from the depths of the Abyss. Featuring unique stat blocks and lore, plus Challenge Ratings that range from 0 to 31, there’s plenty of options for DMs looking to introduce these monsters into just about any campaign setting and tier of play. It’s the perfect option if you’re looking to raise a little hell when it comes to your fifth edition monsters.

11. Beasts of Flesh and Steel
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
Released: October 2020
Why We Picked It: Created by legendary TTRPG game designer Monte Cook, this unique DnD monster book introduces an element of science-fantasy to 5e. At 192 pages in length, the book features over 140 weird and wondrous creatures that are steeped in sci-fi and the surreal. From magical robots to bizarre interdimensional beings, these unique monsters range from CR 1 to 25, making them perfect for use in just about any campaign. The book also includes stunning artwork and lore (much of which is based on Cook’s popular Ninth World game setting), making this a perfect option if you’re a DM looking to challenge your players with monsters that are a far cry from your usual fantasy fare.

10. Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed
Publisher: Nord Games
Released: August 2021
Why We Picked It: The undead have been a staple of DnD for years, and in this unique monster book they get their share of the unholy spotlight. Coming in at 261 pages, The Dreaded Accursed presents a variety of the undead and cursed creatures, featuring classics like ghosts, ghouls, vampires and werewolves, to lesser known creatures from beyond the grave. Featuring Challenge Ratings for a variety of tier levels of play, plus accompanying lair maps, it’s the perfect option if you want to bring a heaping dose of horror to your next DnD 5e campaign.

9. Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde
Publisher: Nord Games
Released: August 2021
Why We Picked It: Let’s face it, goblins and orcs are essentially the canon fodder of the fantasy genre. But in this unique DnD monster book, we learn there’s more to these green-skinned creatures than meets the eyes. In fact, the book also offers fresh take on these classic creatures, as well delving into gnolls, kobolds, ogres and trolls, fleshing out their cultures, habits and habitats. Featuring a variety of stat blocks and Challenge Ratings, the book also includes rich lore and background to help you truly unleash the horde on your unsuspecting DnD 5e players.

8. Grim Hollow Monster Grimoire
Publisher: Ghostfire Gaming
Released: April 2023
Why We Picked It: Ghostfire Gaming’s Grim Hollow setting includes some of the best DnD 3rd party books ever made, offering a unique blend of grim dark fantasy for fifth edition. Their Monster Grimoire expands on their previous work, offering up 400 unique creatures, with accompanying stat blocks and lore. While technically the monsters are designed for the Grim Hollow world of Etharis, they can easily be dropped into just about DnD 5e campaign setting. The book also offers new magic items, new mechanics for salvaging and crafting creature parts, plus new rules for running monsters as playable characters.

7. Level Up Advanced 5e: Monstrous Menagerie
Publisher: EN Publishing
Released: September 2014
Why We Picked It: EN Publishing’s Advanced 5th Edition rules offer a crunchier take on DnD 5e, with more complex rules and game mechanics. And while their Monstrous Menagerie reflects this approach, it’s also an amazing monster book that works perfectly for any standard fifth edition campaign. The book comes in a hefty 530 pages and features over 600 unique monsters and stat blocks, offering both classic creatures and never-before-seen beasts. It also includes rules for building monster templates and running hordes. It’s also chocked full of adventure hooks, tables and tools for generating memorable encounters. It’s an epic creature compendium that every DM should have in their collection.

6. Creature Codex
Publisher: Kobold Press
Released: September 2018
Why We Picked It: Kobold Press has earned a reputation for its stellar DnD 5e content, and their Creature Codex is no exception. Coming in at 424 pages, it features almost 400 unique monsters, many of which have never appeared in any official or third-party game materials before. From acid ants and grave behemoths to void giants and zombie lords, if you’re looking to surprise your players with monsters they’ve never seen before, then this book has you covered. Notably, Creature Codex is available in hardcover, PDF, VTT format and even a pocket-sized print edition, making it one of the most versatile DnD monster books ever created.

5. The Lazy DM’s Forge of Foes
Publisher: Mike Shea (Sly Flourish)
Release: October 2023
Why We Chose It: This incredible 128-page supplement not only features a ton of unique monsters for use in your fifth edition campaign, but really offers all the tools that Dungeon Masters need to build and run their very own unique creatures. Featuring a range of unique game mechanics that cover stat blocks and Challenge Ratings, as well as a ton of adventure hooks and tips for running encounters, the end result is one of the greatest DnD Monster books ever forged.

4. Monster Manual Expanded I
Publisher: Dragonix Books
Released: February 2019
Why We Chose It: The brainchild of award-winning RPG designer Mannix “Dragonix” Manansala, this epic creature compendium comes in an 320 pages and features over 470 unique stat blocks. If that wasn’t enough, the book also includes new varieties of creature types, detailed monster lore and stunning original art work. Notably, the book also spawned two sequels (Monster Manual Expanded Volumes II and III) both of which are just as good and offer even more options for expanding the monsters in you fifth edition campaign.

3. Tome of Beasts III
Publisher: Kobold Press
Released: November 2022
Why We Picked It: Featuring over 400 unique monsters packed into 424 pages if there really is one DnD monster book to rule them all, then Tome of Beasts 3 is definitely in the running. The sheer range of creatures offered in this single tome are incredible, with options for just about any environment and campaign setting. Like other Kobold Press books, it’s also available in PDF, hardcover, VTT formats and a pocket-sized edition. Notably, the book also spawned a series of cardboard miniatures, offering even more playability and epic encounters.

2. Flee, Mortals
Publisher: MCDM Productions
Released: September 2023
Why We Picked It: Conjured from the depths of the RPG abyss after an epic $2 million dollar Kickstarter, this 390-page book features 339 unique monster stat blocks designed specifically for DnD 5e. In addition to the collection of creatures, the book also features new rules for minions and retainers, plus new mechanics for encounter building. If you’re looking for more options to make your monster combat more unique, fast-paced and fun, then Flee, Mortals is one book you absolutely need to pick up.

1. The Monsters Know What They’re Doing
Publisher: Gallery Books
Released: October 2019
Why We Picked It: Written by author and RPG designer Keith Ammann, this isn’t exactly your typical monster supplement in that it isn’t chocked full of stat blocks or Challenge Ratings. What it is, however, is an incredible book that offers all the advice DMS need to reduce boring combat and instead make monster encounters truly memorable. Base on Ammann’s popular The Monsters Know Blog, the book addresses the challenge of making spontaneous decisions in response to players’ unpredictable actions, offering strategies for better understanding monsters’ abilities and formulating plans before the game begins. The end result is a monster book that offers insight and ideas that can truly transform you DnD adventures.
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Ollie Delano is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in Journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He’s been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over 10 years and currently plays in a weekly game group where he rolls way too many natural 1s and chugs way too much Mountain Dew. His favorite D&D campaign setting is Eberron and his favorite character to play was a Tiefling rogue named Draxiss who enjoys both literal and figurative backstabbing.
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