New Baldur’s Gate 3 Mod Features Epic Red Wizards Campaign
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While we aren’t likely going to see a Baldur’s Gate 4 video game anytime soon, a recently released Baldur’s Gate 3 mod may be the next best thing. Spearheaded by BG3 modder Moezillaaa, the project is entitled The Grand Theater – Sell your Lute to the Devil and introduces the first fully customized fan-made campaign. This includes new dialogue, quests, NPCs, areas and item. The campaign also features the legendary Red Wizards of Thay, who most recently appeared in the Honor Among Thieves film.
It’s an impressive work that involved numerous individuals, showcasing just what the Baldur’s Gate 3 modder community is capable of. The current “V1” version is available as a free download via Nexmods. It’s also particularly timely given that Larian has just released their final BG3 update and is stepping away from the game and the Dungeons & Dragons brand as a whole.
So will this new campaign mod scratch the itch of BG3 fans hankering for more content? Below, we break out all the details.

What is the new BG3 campaign mod about?
The Grand Theater – Sell your Lute to the Devil is a complete Baldur’s Gate 3 campaign mod. This means you will need to have the BG3ModManager software installed and the creator recommends completing the full game before running it.
The story takes place on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate, with most of the action focused on a popular performance venue known as “The Grand Theatre,” a legendary establishment frequented by Bards and other entertainers. Unbeknownst to most people, however, the theatre sis ecretly owned and operated by a faction of the Red Wizards of the Thay. What’s more, they’ve crafted a new show unlike any other, offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for performers to showcase their talents. It’s up to the players to journey into the depths of the theatre and uncover the Red Wizards nefarious schemes.

What is included in “The Grand Theatre” BG3 mod?
The campaign includes the following:
- +2000 new lines of dialog (notably this is text-based and does not have audio)
- 1 new quests (5 other quests will be added in a future update)
- A music video from the D&D tribute band Gygax
- 1 Very Rare Reward Item
- 1 Large new area with Outside Arrival and Entry Hall (more rooms will be added in future updates)
- 8 New NPCs (these are custom built models of various Red Wizards of Thay)

Final Thoughts
With Larian stepping away from Baldur’s Gate 3 and fans clamoring for more, the demand is definitely being filled by the modder community. The Grand Theater – Sell your Lute to the Devil may be the first full campaign mod for BG3, but it’s not likely going to be the last. In fact, another full length campaign entitled Path to Menzoberranzan is also currently in the works.
It’s fitting given that Dungeons & Dragons as a whole has always been a game that’s about giving the tools to make their own worlds and stories. So while Baldur’s Gate 3 may be history, what fans do in the future is undoubtedly going to be amazing. You can download The Grand Theatre now for free on Nexmods.
Below is a also a detailed video from YouTuber Veteran Joystick which breaks out more details on what’s included in the mod.
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