All DnD 5e Classes and Subclasses: A Complete Guide (Updated June 2024)
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DnD classes remain one of the most important elements of the Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition rules set, providing a framework that governs how your player character operates in combat, exploration and even roleplaying situations. And while in DnD 5e the race and background you choose helps determine who your character is, ultimately it’s your class that determines what your character can do.
For new and even experienced DnD 5e players, however, understanding the differences between each class can often be overwhelming. It’s also even more confusing given that there’s a brand new 2024 Player’s Handbook that has changed a number of rules. That’s why we’ve put together this complete guide that breaks out all the official DnD 5e classes and sub-classes, providing a high level view of what each class is, how it operates, and the pros and cons. For ease of reference, we’ve also included links to official D&D Beyond content as well as the rules sourcebooks you’ll need to build them out.
Table of Contents
- How many Classes are in DnD 5e?
- What Subclasses are in DnD 5e?
- How does multiclassing work in 5e?
- All DnD Classes

How many official DnD 5e Classes are there?
There are currently 13 DnD 5e classes that have been officially approved by Wizards of the Coast. These are the Artificer, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock and Wizard.
These classes are broken into three groups: Martial (which are skilled in combat and may have some access to magic), Full Casters (which are skilled in arcane and divine magic) and Half Casters (which have a mix of martial and magical abilities, and receive spell slots at half the speed of a Full Caster). The breakout is as follows:
- Marital Classes: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger and Rogue
- Full Caster Classes: Druids, Bards, Clerics, Wizards, Sorcerers and Warlocks
- Half Caster Classes: Artificers, Paladins and Rangers
Notably, the Blood Hunter is technically an approved Wizards of the Coast class as it appears on D&D Beyond. However, it is a third-party class created by Matt Mercer for Critical Role content and as such is not considered part of the 13 official “base” classes for DnD 5e.

What are Subclasses in DnD 5e?
There are currently 117 official subclasses in DnD 5e. These are broken out as follows: 4 (Artificer), 9 (Barbarian), 8 (Bard), 14 (Cleric), 7 (Druid), 10 (Fighter), 10 (Monk), 9 (Paladin), 8 (Ranger), 9 (Rogue), 8 (Sorcerer), 9 (Warlock) and 12 (Wizard).
These subclasses represent unique specializations that allow you to further customize your character, while accessing new abilities, skills and thematic elements that augment your primary class. Each subclass offers a different flavor and set of features that can significantly impact how a class plays, strategizes and interacts with the game world and rules.
In most cases, a subclass is chosen at 2nd or 3rd level and, as your character progress to higher levels, new abilities are unlocked that complement your base class features. Subclasses are often given unique labels that correspond with their base class. For example, Barbarian subclasses are known as “Paths” while Bard subclasses are referred to as “Colleges” and Wizard subclasses are called “Schools.”
It’s important to note that in the DnD 5e rules, your character must meet certain perquisites in order to be able to choose a subclass. This can include being a certain race or having a certain ability score.

How does multiclassing work in DnD 5e?
In DnD 5e, multiclassing is a character development option that allows you to gain levels in two or more classes. Doing so lets you combine the unique abilities and features of each class and unlock new ways to engage in combat, exploration and roleplayin.
Becoming a multiclass character is relatively simple: instead of gaining a level in your current class, you instead choose a new class. These are then added together to determine your character level. For example, if you’re multiclassing as a Level 3 wizard and a Level 3 rogue, you would be a 6th-level character.
As a player, you can choose a new class whenever you advance in level. Your character must, however, meet the requirements of that new class. For example, if you’re a rogue and want to multiclass as a Cleric, you’ll need to have the prerequisite of Wisdom score of 13 which is needed to play as a Cleric. It’s also important to note that hit points, spell slots and ability score improvements do not stack and are treated separately for each class that you have may had adopted.
In terms of subclasses, you can also choose multiple options (again, assuming your character meets the perquisites of that subclass), which offers an almost limitless number of potential builds. For example, you could make a Fighter-Echo-Knight-Rogue-Mastermind, which could be able to tap into a range of magical powers.
Ultimately, the benefit of multiclassing is that you can create incredibly unique characters that possess a wide range of abilities and powers. At the same time, however, they can be complicated to play and you also sacrifice some of the more powerful abilities that are unlocked at higher levels for single-class characters.

All DnD Classes & Subclasses (In Alphabetical Order)
Overview: DnD 5e Artificers are masters of magical invention, merging technology with arcane power. As an Artificer, you can craft magical objects and mechanical companions and provide support to your party through magical gear and enhancements.
Pros of the class: Artificers are versatile and able to create solutions for a wide array of problems, both in combat and during exploration. You excel in a support role, often augmenting other players’ combat abilities or altering the battlefield through the use of your inventions.
Cons of the class: Artificers lack the raw power of more combat-focused classes and can be resource-intensive to play effectively, requiring careful planning and management of your spell slots and creations.
Artificer Subclasses: Currently, there are four official Artificer sub-classes available for DnD 5e.
- Alchemist: You specialize in experimental potion-making, using your alchemical mastery to craft powerful elixirs. These potions can heal, bolster defenses or provide various enhancements to you and your allies.
- Armorer: You channel your expertise into crafting magical armor, transforming it into a powerful exosuit. This suit enhances your combat abilities, offers exceptional protection and can be customized with various magical effects to suit different combat roles.
- Artillerist: You focus on crafting and using magical cannons and other artillery. By summoning arcane turrets, you can deal significant damage from a distance or provide defensive support to your allies, making you effective in both offensive and defensive strategies.
- Battle Smith: You forge a strong bond with a clockwork animal construct that you create and command in battle. Along with some minor combat abilities, you also gain the ability to repair and reinforce both your construct and other equipment.
Class Sourcebooks:
- Eberron: Rising from the Last War: Includes base Artificer class, plus the Alchemist, Artillerist and Battle Smith subclasses.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Includes class rules errata, plus the Armorer subclass.

Overview: DnD 5e Barbarians are fierce warriors who excel in combat through sheer rage and physical prowess. As a Barbarian, you can both deal and absorb an incredible amount of damage, making you a formidable tank on the battlefield.
Pros of the class: Barbarians are exceptionally tough with high hitpoints and damage resistance to damage. They can also significantly change the course of combat and take on multiple foes at one time.
Cons of the class: Barbarians are often limited in terms of strategic complexity and magical capabilities.
Barbarian Subclasses: Currently, there are 9 official Barbarian subclasses for DnD 5e which are referred to as “Paths,” representing the physical and spiritual journey Barbarians take over the course of their adventuring careers.
- Path of the Ancestral Guardian: You invoke the spirits of your ancestors to protect yourself and your allies in battle. These ancestral spirits can shield your allies and deal extensive damage to your enemies.
- Path of the Battlerager: Available only for dwarves, you harness your rage into a reckless and frenzied fighting style, using unique spiked armor as a weapon. This path allows you to excel in close combat, dealing additional damage to anyone foolish enough to come within your reach.
- Path of the Beast: You channel the power of wild creatures, transforming physical aspects of your body to unleash devastating attacks. This includes sprouting claws, fangs or even a tail, offering unique ways to damage foes and interact with the battlefield.
- Path of the Berserker: You give in to the fury of combat, allowing you to fight with a primal ferocity. While in the grips of your battle rage, you can make extra attacks and ignore effects that would otherwise cause damage or slow you down.
- Path of the Giant: You draw on the might of legendary giants, gaining their strength and abilities. This path allows you to embody different aspects of giantkind, such as frost or fire, with each option enhancing your combat abilities in unique ways.
- Path of the Storm Herald: You tap into the power of the storm, generating a magical aura that affects everything around you. Depending on the environment you choose—tundra, desert, or sea—your aura can chill, scorch or lash your enemies with storm-like fury.
- Path of the Wild Heart: Formerly known as the Path of the Totem Warrior in DnD 2014, You forge a spiritual bond with a totem animal spirit, emulating the aspects of that being. Each animal spirit—be it bear, eagle, elk, tiger or wolf—provides unique strengths and supernatural abilities to aid you and your allies.
- Path of Wild Magic: Your rage taps into the chaotic force of wild magic, resulting in unpredictable arcane side-effects. This path is unique in that that can be both incredibly powerful but also relies heavily on random dice roles.
- Path of the Zealot: You are driven by a divine fury, bolstered by the power of the gods. This path not only increases your combat prowess with divine energy but also makes you nearly impossible to kill while raging.
- Path of the World Tree:You draw your power from the World Tree whose vast, endless branches touch all of the realms of the multiverse. This power allows you to be more resilient in combat, heal your allies and teleport across the battlefield.
Barbarian Class Sourcebooks:
- 2024 Player’s Handbook: Includes base class, plus the Path of the Berserker, Path of the Wild Heart, Path of the World Tree and Path of the Zealot.
- 2014 Player’s Handbook: Includes base class, plus the Path of the Berserker and the Path of the Totem Warrior.
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: Path of the Battlerager.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Path of the Ancestral Guardian, Path of the Storm Herald and Path of the Zealot.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Path of the Beast and Path of Wild Magic.
- Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants: Path of the Giant.

Overview: DnD 5e Bards are the ultimate entertainers, using musical and artistic talents to cast spells, inspire allies, manipulate minds and heal wounds. As a Bard, you also have plenty of roleplaying potential, tapping into your powers of charisma and performance.
Pros of the class: Highly versatile with access to a broad range of magical spells and the ability to boost your party’s abilities.
Cons of the class: Generally physically weaker and less durable in combat situations. Dependency on Charisma can also limit their effectiveness in non-social contexts.
Bard Subclasses: Currently, there are 8 official Bard subclasses for DnD 5e that are referred to as “Colleges,” each of which represents one of the organizations that train Bards and retain specialized knowledge.
- College of Creation: You harness the magic of creation, channeling the raw chaos that formed the universe. This subclass allows you to animate inanimate objects, create performance-enhancing motes and summon items temporarily into existence.
- College of Eloquence: You are a master the art of persuasion, using your words to charm, inspire and manipulate others. This subclass grants you abilities that make your speech almost impossible to resist and reduce the effectiveness of enemies.
- College of Glamour: You weave a magic of enchantment and allure, captivating those around you. This subclass provides you with abilities to charm audiences, command attention and manipulate others’ emotions.
- College of Lore: You collect bits of knowledge from all manner of stories, songs and spells. This subclass enhances your versatility by granting additional proficiencies, magical secrets from other classes and the ability to use your knowledge to limit enemy attacks.
- College of Spirits: You channel the tales and powers of the spirits through your performances. This subclass gives you the ability to summon spirits to convey storied fables, granting you and your allies a variety of magical effects.
- College of Swords: You blend performance with martial prowess, using your weapon as both an instrument and a conduit for your bardic spells. This subclass focuses on enhancing your combat abilities, allowing for flourishes that deal extra damage and bolster your defenses.
- College of Valor: You inspire others in battle through your courage and prowess. This subclass bolsters your martial capabilities, providing an Extra attack and allowing you protect your allies and enhance group combat tactics.
- College of Whispers: You traffic in secrets and fear, using your performances to unsettle and manipulate. This subclass grants you the power to psychically harm your foes, steal identities and sow paranoia, turning your art into a weapon of psychological warfare.
- College of Dance: You know that the Words of Creation can’t be contained within speech or song; but are uttered by the movements of celestial bodies. Your art is all about harnessing the agility, speed and grace of dance itself.
Bard Class Sourcebooks
- 2024 Player’s Handbook: Includes base class, plus the College of Lore, College of Valor, College of Glamor and College of Dance.
- 2014 Player’s Handbook: Includes base class, plus the College of Lore and College of Valor.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: College of Glamour, College of Swords and College of Whispers.
- Mythic Odysseys of Theros: College of Eloquence.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: College of Eloquence (reprinted) plus the College of Creation.
- Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft: College of Spirits.

Overview: DnD 5e Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and the world divine. As a Cleric, you harness the power of your god to heal wounds, protect allies and smite foes, with your abilities and beliefs reflecting the nature of the deity you serve.
Pros of the class: Extremely versatile and able to heal, tank or deal damage based on your domain. Are relatively strong in both magical and melee combat.
Cons of the class: Depending on your focus, as a Cleric you likely will not perform as well as more specialized roles.
Cleric Subclasses: Currently, there are 14 official Cleric subclasses for DnD 5e known as “Domains,” each of which is associated with a particular set of gods. For example, the Life Domain is associated with gods of healing, rebirth and renewal.
- Arcana Domain: You blend divine and arcane magic, focusing on spells that manipulate and reveal the mysteries of the universe. This domain grants you powerful magical abilities, including the use of arcane spells usually reserved for wizards.
- Death Domain: You harness the powers of death and the undead, focusing on spells that cause decay and manipulate life forces. This domain grants abilities that enhance your damage against the living and allow you to control the dead.
- Forge Domain: You are a divine artisan, specializing in the creation and manipulation of metal and fire. This domain bestows abilities that enhance your crafting skills, protect you with divine armor, and imbuing your weapons with fiery power.
- Grave Domain: You oversee the line between life and death, aiming to ensure balance and respect for the dead. This domain grants abilities to hinder the undead, protect allies on the brink of death and maximum the impact of restorative spells.
- Knowledge Domain: You are a seeker of truth, using your divine magic to uncover secrets and enhance your wisdom. This domain provides powers to read thoughts, learn hidden knowledge and become proficient in numerous skills and languages.
- Life Domain: You are a conduit of healing and vitality, specializing in spells that restore and sustain life. This domain increases the effectiveness of your healing spells and grants you abilities to protect and bolster your allies.
- Light Domain: You channel the power of light and fire, wielding these elements against the darkness. This domain provides powerful options to scorch your enemies, dispel darkness, and protect allies with radiant energy.
- Nature Domain: You are a guardian of the natural world, commanding its elements and creatures. This domain gives you abilities to charm animals and plants, reshape the terrain and summon nature’s wrath to aid you in battle.
- Order Domain: You impose divine order, using your abilities to control the battlefield and bolster lawful actions. This domain allows you to enchant allies with bonus attacks and slow the advance of enemy forces.
- Peace Domain: You promote harmony and tranquility, diffusing conflict and healing strife. This domain provides abilities that link allies together, allowing shared healing and protection in battle.
- Tempest Domain: You command the elements of storms, wielding thunder, lightning and wind. This domain grants you control over these elements to shock and push back enemies while protecting yourself.
- Trickery Domain: You revel in deception and mischief, using your divine gifts to confuse and mislead. This domain provides stealth and illusion powers, enhancing your ability to confuse foes and aid allies covertly.
- Twilight Domain: You guard against the fears of the night and guide others through darkness. This domain bestows powers to comfort allies, manipulate shadows and see through the deepest gloom.
- War Domain: You are a divine warrior, a crusader in the cause of your deity. This domain blesses you with martial prowess, the ability to make extra attacks and powers that boost your strength and endurance in battle.
Cleric Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base class, plus the Domains of Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery and War.
- Dungeon Master’s Guide: Death Domain (under the Villainous Class Options).
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: Domain of Arcana.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Domain of the Forge and Domain of the Grave.
- Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica: Domain of Order.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Domain of Order (reprinted) plus the Domain of Peace and Domain of Twilight.

Overview: DnD 5e Druids draw their power from nature and are able to harness its raw energy to command the elements, summon beasts and even change into an animal form known as a Wild Shape. As a Druid you are deeply connected to the earth and are skilled in combat and spellcasting in the service to your gods and the spirits of nature.
Pros of the class: Extremely adaptable with the ability to Wild Shape and access to powerful nature-based magic.
Cons of the class: Powers can be situational, relying heavily on the environment, making them somewhat less effective in urban or dungeon settings.
Druid Subclasses: Currently, there are 7 official Druid subclasses for DnD 5e known as “Circles,” which represent the holy gatherings of druids which meet in the depths of the wilderness, each of which worships a particular god or wild power.
- Circle of Dreams: You are a guardian of the border between the Feywild and the mortal world, tapping into the magic of nature to heal and aid your allies. This subclass grants you abilities to cure wounds, provide safe rest and offer protection.
- Circle of the Land: You have a deep connection to a specific natural terrain, such as forests, mountains or coastlines. This subclass enhances your magical abilities, allowing you to draw upon the arcane essence of your chosen land for additional spells.
- Circle of the Moon: You specialize in transforming into more powerful animals and even elemental forms. This subclass focuses on improving your combat effectiveness in beast form, granting you the ability to become larger, stronger and more formidable creatures.
- Circle of the Shepherd: You are a protector of nature’s creatures, communicating with and nurturing them. This subclass gives you powers to summon and strengthen spirit totems, enhancing the abilities of your allies and conjured beasts.
- Circle of Spores: You harness the life and decay aspects of nature, using fungal spores to fuel your magic. This subclass allows you to animate dead plants and creatures, deal necrotic damage to enemies and gain temporary health boosts.
- Circle of Stars: You draw on the mystic power of the stars and constellations, using them to guide and protect. This subclass provides abilities to transform starlight into protective and restorative magic or harness it for divination and attacks.
- Circle of Wildfire: You believe in renewal through fire, using flames to clear decay and make way for new life. This subclass lets you summon a wildfire spirit, cast fire-related spells and heal or bolster your allies with the purifying power of fire.
- Circle of the Sea: You tap into the power of the sea to unleash powerful elemental magic that can harm enemies, protect allies and allow you to traverse beneath the waves themselves for extended periods of time.
Druid Class Sourcebooks
- 2024 Player’s Handbook: Includes base class, plus Circle of the Land, Circle of the Moon, Circle of the Stars and Circle of the Sea.
- 2014 Player’s Handbook: Includes base Druid class, plus Circle of the Land and Circle of the Moon.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Circle of Dreams and Circle of the Shepherd.
- Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica: Circle of Spores.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Circle of Stars and Circle of Wildfire.

Overview: DnD 5e Fighters are masters of combat in all its forms and are proficient in virtually all weapons and armor types. As a fighter, you can choose from a variety of martial styles, covering everything from ranged attacks and cavalry charges to battlefield leadership and tapping into destructive sorcery.
Pros of the class: Highly versatile in combat and capable of being customized for a variety of battle roles.
Cons of the class: Can be somewhat straightforward without the magical or tactical complexity of other classes.
Fighter Subclasses: Currently, there are 10 official Fighter subclasses for DnD 5e, each of which offers a range of different combat styles and abilities.
- Arcane Archer: You infuse your arrows with magical properties, using arcane elvish magic to create a variety of special effects. This subclass allows you to choose from magical arrow types that can entangle, banish or even strike hidden targets.
- Battle Master: You are a master of combat techniques and tactics, using maneuvers to outsmart and defeat your enemies. This subclass grants you abilities to enhance your attacks, control the battlefield and provide tactical advantages to your allies.
- Cavalier: You excel in mounted combat and are dedicated to protecting others, especially when riding your steed. This subclass boosts your effectiveness while mounted and on foot, focusing on defensive tactics and controlling enemies to protect your allies.
- Champion: You focus on refining your martial prowess, becoming a formidable warrior. This subclass enhances your ability to land critical hits more often and increases your physical capabilities, making you a relentless fighter.
- Echo Knight: You manipulate time and space to summon an echo of yourself from a parallel dimension. This subclass allows you to fight from multiple positions, attack from a distance with your echo, and even swap places with it for strategic maneuvers.
- Eldritch Knight: You blend martial prowess with magical ability, casting spells while also engaging in hand-to-hand combat. This subclass allows you to summon weapons, cast protective spells, and use magic to enhance your combat effectiveness.
- Psi Warrior: You harness the power of your mind to augment your fighting capabilities. This subclass provides you with psionic energy that you can use to shield yourself, move objects, or strike enemies with telekinetic force.
- Purple Dragon Knight: You inspire and lead others in battle, focusing on teamwork and camaraderie. This subclass allows you to extend the benefits of your fighting spirit to your allies, boosting their morale and combat abilities.
- Rune Knight: You use mystical runes to enhance your combat skills and manipulate various magical effects. This subclass allows you to inscribe runes onto your equipment, granting you and your allies enhanced abilities, protection, or offensive power.
- Samurai: You are a warrior who combines fierce determination with meticulous skill. This subclass provides you with bonuses to accuracy, the ability to withstand damage, and a resolute will that can keep you fighting even when severely wounded.
NOTE: There is also an additional Fighter subclass known as the Gunslinger which was created by Matt Mercer for use with third-party Critical Role content. While it is available on D&D Beyond, it is not part of the official DnD 5e subclasses.
Fighter Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base Fighter class, plus the Champion, Battle Master and Eldritch Knight.
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: Purple Dragon Knight.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Arcane Archer, Cavalier and Samurai.
- Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount: Echo Knight.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Psi Warrior and Rune Knight.

Overview: DnD 5 Monks channel mystical energy known as ki to perform superhuman feats of unarmed combat. Drawing on this unique spiritual energy, monks also embody a variety of different fighting styles and philosophical approaches.
Pros of the class: Highly mobile and capable of delivering rapid, precise strikes. You can avoid damage and control the battlefield with your agility.
Cons of the class: Relatively low hit points and dependency on multiple abilities (Dexterity, Wisdom, and Strength) can leave them vulnerable.
Monk Subclasses: Currently, there are 10 official DnD 5e monk subclasses, each of which follows a “Way” that provides both a combat style and an overarching spiritual practice.
- Way of the Ascendant Dragon: You channel the power of dragons, using their mythical essence to enhance your martial arts prowess. This subclass grants you abilities to breathe elemental energy, manipulate the battlefield with draconic force and inspire awe or fear like a dragon.
- Way of the Astral Self: You summon an astral projection of yourself, enhancing your combat capabilities. This subclass allows you to extend your reach, deal extra damage and use your astral form to shield and strike at your enemies.
- Way of the Drunken Master: You incorporate unpredictable movements into your fighting style, mimicking a drunkard. This subclass provides you with superior evasion, sudden strikes and the ability to redirect attacks, making you a slippery target in combat.
- Way of the Four Elements: You harness the power of elemental forces, using them to cast spells and augment your martial arts. This subclass allows you to manipulate earth, air, fire and water to attack your foes, defend yourself and control the environment.
- Way of the Kensei: You master the use of weapons as an extension of your body, integrating them into your martial practice. This subclass enhances your proficiency with specific weapons, making them more effective and allowing you to use them in conjunction with other monk abilities.
- Way of the Long Death: You are fascinated with the meaning and mechanics of dying, using this knowledge to your advantage in battle. This subclass grants you the ability to siphon life force from those you kill to heal yourself and instill fear in your enemies.
- Way of Mercy: You balance between harm and healing, using your knowledge of anatomy to both cure and cause pain. This subclass provides you with abilities to heal and harm with your touch, choosing to restore health or drain it as you see fit.
- Way of the Open Hand: You focus on the pure techniques of martial arts, perfecting strikes that incapacitate your foes. This subclass gives you powerful techniques to knock enemies prone, push them away or deny them reactions, exemplifying the art of hand-to-hand combat.
- Way of the Shadow: You embrace the stealth and cunning of the shadow, using darkness to conceal your movements and strike unseen. This subclass allows you to teleport into shadows, become invisible in dim light and use the dark as a weapon against your enemies.
- Way of the Sun Soul: You channel your inner light into searing bolts of light, similar to the rays of the sun. This subclass allows you to hurl radiant energy from your hands, use it to create barriers or radiate light to damage and disrupt your foes.
NOTE: There is also an additional Monk subclass known as the Way of the Cobalt Soul which was created by Matt Mercer for use with third-party Critical Role content. Although it is available on D&D Beyond, it is considered unofficial by Wizards of the Coast and as such is not part of the base DnD 5e subclasses.
Monk Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base Monk class, plus the Way of the Open Hand, Way of Shadow and Way of the Four Elements.
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: Way of Long Death and the Way of the Sun Soul.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Way of the Sun Soul (reprinted), the Way of the Drunken Master and the Way of the Kensei.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Way of Mercy and Way of Astral Self.
- Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons: Way of the Ascendant Dragon.

Overview: DnD 5e Paladins are holy warriors bound by a sacred oath who utilize both martial prowess with divine magic. As a Paladin, you fight against evil, protect the innocent and inspire those around you with your heroic deeds and supernatural abilities.
Pros of the class: Strong both offensively and defensively, your are capable of healing and buffing allies, while also dealing significant damage to foes.
Cons of the class: Your powers are tied to your adherence to a moral code, which can be restrictive and lead to conflict if it doesn’t match your party’s goals or character alignments.
Paladin Subclasses: Currently, there are 9 official DnD 5e subclasses for the Paladin. These are known as “Oaths,” which represent the holy orders that a Paladin has taken and provide the framework for both your character’s abilities and your goals in life.
- Oath of Conquest: Aimed at dominating enemies, this subclass grants spells and abilities to instill fear and control over the battlefield, allowing you to intimidate and overpower foes.
- Oath of Devotion: Centered on the ideals of honesty and courage, this subclass offers protective magic, the power to purge evil and the ability to protect and heal allies.
- Oath of Glory: Focused on the pursuit of fame and the embodiment of heroism, this subclass provides enhancements to physical prowess and leadership, allowing you to excel in athletic feats and inspire others during battle.
- Oath of Redemption: Focused on nonviolent solutions, you are able to access spells and abilities to protect yourself and your allies, while also using non-lethal attacks to slow enemies down.
- Oath of the Ancients: Dedicated to preserving the light and life found in nature, you can access abilities that heal and protect, as well as tapping into offensive spells that harness nature’s wrath.
- Oath of the Crown: Committed to the ideals of civilization and leadership, you are dedicated to protecting the lawful authority and those who serve it. Your abilities emphasize defense and control in combat.
- Oath of the Watchers: Designed to guard against the threats of extraplanar entities, you are able to hinder and combat creatures from other realms, with abilities centered around detection, containment and banishment.
- Oath of Vengeance: Focused on punishing evildoers, this subclass offers aggressive tactics and powers that enhance your ability to hunt down and destroy your enemies, emphasizing relentless offensive attacks.
- Oathbreaker: Tailored for paladins who have forsaken their oaths, this evil subclass provides powers to control and manipulate the undead, wield dread magics and command the shadows.
NOTE: There is also an additional Paladin subclass known as the Oath of the Open Sea which was created by Matt Mercer for use with third-party Critical Role content. Although it is available on D&D Beyond, it is not considered an official DnD 5e subclass.
Paladin Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base Paladin class, plus the Oath of the Ancients, Oath of Devotion and Oath of Vengeance.
- Dungeon Master’s Guide: Oathbreaker (under the Villainous Class Options).
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: Oath of the Crown.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Oath of Conquest and Oath or Redemption.
- Mythic Odysseys of Theros: Oath of Glory.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Oath of Glory (reprinted) and Oath of the Watchers.

Overview: DnD 5e Rangers are warriors of the wilderness, adept at tracking, hunting and making their way through difficult terrain. As a Ranger, you excel at battling threats that endanger the natural world and you’re skilled with both melee, ranged weapons and some magic.
Pros of the class: Highly skilled in navigating and surviving in natural and magical terrains, excellent at single-target damage and tracking.
Cons of the class: Can be less effective in urban or highly social environments, and some of your specialized abilities may go unused in certain environments.
Ranger Subclasses: Currently, there are 8 official Ranger subclasses for DnD 5e, which represent the range of different roles that these warriors take.
- Beast Master: You bond with a loyal beast companion, commanding it in battle to fight by your side. Your connection allows you to work seamlessly as a team, enhancing your combat abilities and coordination.
- Drakewarden: You form a mystical bond with a drake, a dragon-like creature that assists you in battle. As you grow in power, your drake evolves, gaining new abilities that complement your own.
- Fey Wanderer: You draw on the mysterious magic of the Feywild, using enchantments and tricks to bewilder your foes and charm others. Your abilities also strengthen your mind, providing resilience against mental assaults.
- Gloom Stalker: You excel in darkness and ambush, using your skills to become nearly invisible in the shadows. Your attacks are swift and deadly, particularly at the onset of battle, giving you a critical advantage in the first moments of combat.
- Horizon Walker: You protect the world from extraplanar threats, gaining abilities that allow you to manipulate space and even teleport. Your attacks can bypass defenses as you harness the energies of the multiverse.
- Hunter: You specialize in tracking and defeating a variety of creatures, adapting your tactics based on the nature of your prey. In addition, you gain specific abilities that enhance your effectiveness against certain types of enemies.
- Monster Slayer: You focus on hunting down the most dangerous creatures, gaining supernatural abilities that help you track, confront and destroy these threats. Your skills make you particularly adept at disrupting your enemies’ abilities and resisting their magic.
- Swarmkeeper: You are surrounded by a swarm of tiny creatures or spirits that assist you in battle. This mystical connection to these creatures grants you a range of combat tactics, with both offensive and defensive capabilities.
Ranger Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base Ranger class, plus the Hunter and Beast Master.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Gloom Stalker, Horizon Walker and Monster Slayer.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Fey Wanderer and Swarmkeeper (also introduced new class features, including optional rules for Beast Master companions).
- Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons: Drakewarden.

Overview: DnD 5e Rogues are the masters of stealth, trickery and quick thinking. As a Rogue, you excel in situations where cunning and agility are more valuable than brute strength. You’re particularly adept at finding weak points in your enemies’ defenses and exploiting them.
Pros of the class: Exceptional at dealing high damage to vulnerable foes, versatile in stealth and subterfuge.
Cons of the class: Less durable in direct combat, and heavily reliant on achieving surprise or flanking to maximize your effectiveness.
Rogue Subclasses: Currently, there are 9 official Rogue subclasses for DnD 5e, representing the various archetypes that make up the class.
- Arcane Trickster: You enhance your skills as a rogue with the subtle magic of illusion and enchantment. This subclass grants you the ability to cast spells that can manipulate others, hide your movements or confuse your foes.
- Assassin: You specialize in infiltration and the art of the kill, becoming a master of disguise and deadly strikes. This subclass provides you with bonuses for attacking unaware opponents, allowing you to deal significant damage in the first moments of combat.
- Inquisitive: You have a sharp eye for detail and excel at deducing clues and lies. This subclass allows you to use your keen observation to uncover hidden truths, spot weaknesses in your opponents and gain an advantage in social and combat encounters.
- Mastermind: You are a strategist and manipulator, skilled at pulling the strings from the shadows. This subclass grants you the ability to mimic speech, forge documents and direct allies in combat.
- Phantom: You channel the powers of the dead, gaining abilities linked to shadows and spirits. This subclass allows you to steal aspects of the deceased to gain temporary benefits and leave behind spectral tokens to spy or communicate.
- Scout: You are adept at wilderness survival and reconnaissance, using your skills to navigate and track. This subclass enhances your mobility and ability to avoid danger, making you formidable in stealth and surprise.
- Soulknife: You manifest psychic blades from your mind, using them as weapons. This subclass grants you the ability to create and wield these ethereal blades, attack from a distance and use your psychic power to deliver devestating mental assaults.
- Swashbuckler: You thrive in fast-paced duels and charismatic interactions, embodying the daring rogue with a flair for dramatic combat. This subclass enhances your ability to engage foes one-on-one, dodge attacks and charm individuals in social situations.
- Thief: You excel at climbing, sneaking and stealing, using your agility and cunning to gain access to places others can’t go. This subclass provides you with enhanced abilities to perform sleight of hand, disarm traps and make the most of your ill-gotten goods.
Rogue Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base Rogue class, plus the Arcane Trickster, Assassin and Thief.
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: Mastermind and Swashbuckler.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Mastermind and Swashbuckler (reprinted both) plus the Inquisitive and Scout.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Phantom and Soulknife.

Overview: DnD 5e Sorcerers wield innate magical power, stemming from an arcane lineage or some other mystical source. Unlike wizards, you do not require extensive study or memorization to harness magic, instead casting spells through sheer force of will and emotion.
Pros of the class: Highly potent spellcasters with the ability to enhance spell effectiveness beyond what other casters can achieve. Your magic is flexible and powerful.
Cons of the class: Limited selection of spells known, making you less versatile than wizards. You also rely heavily on your primary attribute of Charisma for your abilities.
Sorcerer Subclasses: Currently, there are 8 official Sorcerer subclasses for DnD 5e, representing a range of powers, abilities and play styles for the class.
- Aberrant Mind: You are imbued with psychic powers derived from an alien influence. This subclass grants you the ability to telepathically communicate, manipulate thoughts and cast spells without verbal or somatic components.
- Clockwork Soul: Influenced by the orderly mechanisms of Mechanus, you can manipulate probabilities and ensure that events unfold according to plan. This subclass allows you to impose order on chaotic situations, prevent alterations to conditions and repair both magical and mundane items.
- Divine Soul: With a touch of the divine in your bloodline, you blend sorcerous magic with divine power. This subclass provides you access to both sorcerer and cleric spell lists, enhancing your healing and protective capabilities alongside your natural sorcery.
- Draconic Bloodline: Your magical powers derive from a dragon ancestor, granting you scales, fearsome presence and elemental affinities related to your dragon’s nature. This subclass enhances your durability, charisma, and grants abilities based on the type of dragon from which you descend.
- Lunar Sorcery: You draw your power from the power of the moon, controlling light and darkness, and tapping into lunar cycles. This subclass allows you to manipulate gravitational forces, illuminate darkness and transform physically according to the phases of the moon.
- Shadow Magic: Born from the Plane of Shadow, you harness dark energies to create illusions, summon shadow, and occasionally slip through the veil between life and death. This subclass provides you with resilience against death and the ability to summon a shadowy hound to harry your foes.
- Storm Sorcery: Your magic crackles with the raw energy of tempests, giving you control over wind, lightning and thunder. This subclass enhances your mobility, allowing you to ride gusts of wind and channel your spells with the power of a storm.
- Wild Magic: Your magic is unpredictable and explosive, resulting from a chaotic surge of magical energy. This subclass leads to random magical effects that can either dramatically benefit or hamper you and your allies, adding an element of chance to every spell you cast.
Sorcerer Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base Sorcerer class, plus the Draconic Bloodline and Wild Magic.
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: Storm Sorcery.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: Storm Sorcery (reprinted) and Divine Soul and Shadow Magic.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Aberrant Mind and Clockwork Soul.
- Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen: Lunar Sorcery.

Overview: DnD 5e Warlocks gain their powers through a pact with an otherworldly entity, be it a fiend, fey or eldritch being. This relationship provides you with unique spells and magical abilities in exchange for service or obedience to your patron.
Pros of the class: Possess powerful, reusable spell slots and unique abilities granted by your patrons, making you versatile in combat and magic.
Cons of the class: Limited spell slots can restrict you ability to cast many spells in prolonged engagements.
Warlock Subclasses: Currently, there are 9 official Warlock subclasses for DnD 5e, representing the range of abilities, play styles and patrons that Warlocks serve.
- Archfey Patron: You have made a pact with a powerful being of the Feywild, gaining powers that enchant and bewilder. This subclass provides you with abilities to charm and frighten others, teleport short distances and manipulate the minds and emotions of those around you.
- Celestial: Your patron is a creature of good, imbuing you with powers of healing and radiance. This subclass allows you to cure wounds, channel celestial energy into destructive power and provide resilience against death for you and your allies.
- Fathomless: Bound to a mysterious entity from the watery depths, you command the crushing pressure and cold darkness of the sea. This subclass grants you tentacle attacks, watery teleportation and the ability to breathe underwater as well as resist cold.
- Fiend: Your patron is a creature of the lower planes, bestowing upon you the ability to channel fiery wrath and curses upon your foes. This subclass enhances your resilience, provides bonuses to certain types of spells and allows you to temporarily gain hit points when you reduce a foe to 0 hit points.
- Genie: You serve a powerful genie, gaining magic that reflects the genie’s elemental nature—be it air, fire, earth or water. This subclass allows you to craft a magical vessel linked to your genie, gain resistance related to your genie’s type and manipulate the battlefield with elemental power.
- Great Old One: Linked to a mysterious, otherworldly entity, your powers include telepathy and mental manipulation. This subclass provides you with the ability to communicate thoughts, sow madness among your enemies and protect your mind against intrusions.
- Hexblade: You are connected to a magical weapon borne from the Shadowfell, which grants you combat prowess and the ability to curse your foes. This subclass enhances your melee capabilities, allows you to use charisma for weapon attacks and provides spells related to combat and protection.
- Undead: You derive your power from a bond with the undead, embracing necrotic energies and manipulating the forces of death. This subclass allows you to adopt ghostly traits, terrify your enemies and eventually even defy death itself.
- Undying: Your patron is an immortal being who has mastered the secrets of longevity, sharing with you the magic of endurance and preservation. This subclass gives you abilities to avoid death, resist disease and restore health.
Warlock Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base Warlock class, plus the Archfey, Fiend and Great Old One.
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: The Undying.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: The Celestial and Hexblade.
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: The Fathomless and the Genie.
- Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft: The Undead.

What it is: DnD 5e Wizards are scholarly magic users who learn their spells through rigorous study and memorization. As a Wizard, you spellbook is your most prized possession and you have the potential to access a vast number of spells, making your perhaps the most versatile spellcasters in DnD 5e.
Pros of the class: Capable of adapting to many challenges witha wide array of spells. Your ability to prepare different spells each day offers significant flexibility.
Cons of the class: Physically vulnerable (particularly at early levels) with limited melee combat abilities.
Wizard Subclasses: Currently, there are 12 official Wizard subclasses for DnD 5e. These are mostly classified as “Schools,” which represent both academic organizations as well as a specific type of magic.
- Bladesinger: Almost entirely exclusive to elves and half-elves, you blend expert swordplay with arcane magic, enhancing your agility, concentration and combat spells through a mystical battle ritual known as the Bladesong.
- Chronurgy: You manipulate the flow of time through your magic, gaining abilities that allow you to adjust initiative, hasten or slow spells and creatures, and even alter the course of events as they occur.
- Graviturgy: Specializing in the manipulation of gravity, you can make objects heavier or lighter, pin foes to the spot or use gravitational force to enhance your own mobility and offensive capabilities.
- Order of Scribes: You magically awaken your spellbook, turning it into a valuable assistant. This subclass provides unique ways to cast and store spells, swap spell properties and even resurrect your spellbook if it’s destroyed.
- School of Abjuration: You specialize in protective magic, strengthening your defenses and banishing enemies. This school enhances your ability to cast wards, counterspells and protective enchantments, making you and your allies more resilient against attacks.
- School of Conjuration: You specialize in summoning creatures, objects and phenomena from other places, mastering the art of teleportation and conjuration. This subclass grants you the ability to instantly transport and create items and allies to aid in various situations.
- School of Divination: You focus on foresight and information, using your spells to reveal secrets, predict events and gain insights that others cannot perceive. This school provides abilities that manipulate dice rolls and provide additional information.
- School of Enchantment: You wield magic that charms and beguiles, influencing and controlling the behavior of others. This school grants powers to charm individuals, erase memories and dominate minds.
- School of Evocation: You channel raw elemental power into destructive spells to control and maximize damage. This school allows you to shape spells to protect allies, augment attacks and target enemies from afar.
- School of Illusion: You create convincing illusions and deceptive images that can trick the senses. This school develops your skills to manipulate illusions, making them interact with the environment and even become real for a short time.
- School of Necromancy: You tap into the energies of life and death, using your spells to drain energy, control undead and manipulate existence. This school enhances your abilities related to the undead and grants you necrotic powers that sap strength from your enemies.
- School of Transmutation: You master the art of changing energy and matter, transforming the physical properties of creatures, objects and yourself. This school allows you to alter your physical form, enhance combat abilities and manipulate the natural world.
- War Magic: A blend of defensive and offensive magic, you focus on quick thinking and rapid responses to maintain superior control in battle. This school enhances your ability to maintain concentration, boost defenses and deliver powerful counterattacks.
Wizard Class Sourcebooks
- Player’s Handbook: Includes base Wizard class, plus the eight base schools of Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy and Transmutation.
- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: Bladesinging.
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything: War Magic.
- Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount: Chronurgy and Gravitury (which fall under the auspices of Dunamancy, a type of magic originally developed by Matt Mercer for use with Critical Role content).
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: Bladesinging (updated) and Order of Scribes.

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Cameron Nichols is a Senior Editor who lives in Boston, Massachusetts, and has been playing D&D since the early 90s, when he was introduced by his older brother and cut his teeth on AD&D 2nd Edition. Since then he’s played virtually every RPG he could get his nerdy little mitts on (including a weird Goth phase in the early 2000s when he rocked Vampire: The Masquerade pretty hard). His favorite D&D campaign setting is the Forgotten Realms and his favorite character to play was a Half-Orc Barbarian named Grug (who was unfortunately devoured by a gelatinous cube).
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