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New DnD 5e artwork from 2024 featuring a beautiful elven Druid surrounded by the glowing magical outline of a wolf Wild Shape.

New 2024 Wild Shape DnD 5e Rules (Deep Dive)

While many Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition players tend to gravitate towards iconic classes like Fighters and Wizards, a small but dedicated circle of followers find themselves devoted to the DnD 5e Druid. Part of the appeal of the class is the unique ability known as Wild Shape, which lets Druids transform into beasts of land, sea and sky; a feature with a near limitless number of uses in combat, exploration and social encounters.

Ironically, Wild Shape as it appears in fifth edition has remained very much stuck in the same form for over a decade. That’s now changing, however, thanks to the 2024 Player’s Handbook, which has introduced new rules that govern how this iconic Druid ability works.

So just what new form will Wild Shape take next? Below, we sort through all the details.

New DnD 5e artwork from 2024 featuring a Druid casting a Wild Shape spell to transform himself into a bear.

How did Wild Shape work in the 2014 rules?

In the 2014 DnD 5e rules, Wild Shape is a Druid class-specific feature that you get at Level 2. It allowed you to use an action to magically assume the shape of any beast that you had seen before. You could use this feature twice before requiring a Short or Long rest (although notably at Level 20 the “Archdruid” feature let you transform into your Wild Shape an unlimited number of times).

An important limitation, however, was that your Druid level determined the Challenge Rating (CR) of the beast you could turn into. A level 2 Druid for example, could transform into any beast with a maximum CR of 1/4 (for example, a wolf). Similarly, at lower levels you could not turn into any beast with the ability to fly or swim. At higher levels, the CR of your beast form increased and your Druid could transform into a air or water-based creature.

New DnD 5e artwork from 2024 featuring a beautiful female Druid with her wolf Wild Shape form next to her.

The 2014 version of Wild Shape was also limited is just how long it lasts. You could only stay in your beast shape for a number of hours equal to half your Druid level (rounded down) – although you could expend a use of Wild Shape (if available) to remain in your form after the time ran out.

When transformed, your Druid’s stats were replaced by the stats of the creature you had become, including its hit points and Hit Dice and any special senses and abilities the creature might have. You did retain your DnD alignment, personality and Intelligence, Wisdom and Charism scores, along with all your skill proficiencies, saving throw proficiencies and any class or race abilities that work with your physical form (in the event of a conflicting abilities, the higher score always won out, assuming it made sense with the creature).

You were also limited in that while in Wild Shape you could no longer cast spells (at least until level 18 when the “Beast Spells” feature allowed you to use magic in your beast form). Additionally, you decided whether your equipment fell to the ground, merged into your new form or was worn on your new animal body.

New DnD 5e artwork from 2024 featuring a young blonde Druid summoning a snake Wild Shape beast form.

How does the new Wild Shape work in the 2024 rules?

For the new 2024 Druid, Wild Shape is now a bonus action (rather than a full action). You also get significantly more uses as your progress in level, with a whopping 14 uses of Wild Shape by the time you hit Level 17. Additionally, you can now replenish the feature more often, regaining one use of Wild Shape during a short rest or using the Wild Resurgence ability to regain a Wild Shape use by burning a spell lot.

You also no longer assume the Hit Points of your your beast form, but instead retain your Druid’s Hit points, while also receiving temporary hit points to act as a buffer when you first change.

New DnD 5e artwork from 2024 featuring a beautiful female druid with an glowing eagle Wild Shape form floating in the air behind her.

One additional new key feature is that 2024 Druids now have a limited list of known shapes to choose from for their Wild Shape (not unlike the spells a DnD 5e Wizard has in their spellbook). For example, at Level 2 when you first access Wild Shape you have 4 known Beast forms to choose form. This is to avoid the issue with the 2014 version of the rule that often meant players and Dungeon Masters were frantically thumbing through the Monster Manual to find a specific creature’s stat block. Notably, you can swap out your known beast shapes during a Long Rest.

Below is a deeper dive that breaks out the differences between the 2014 Wild Shape and the 2024 Wild Shape feature.

Using Wild ShapeActionBonus Action
Number of Uses2 uses; unlimited uses at level 202 uses starting at level 2; 3 uses starting at level 6; 4 uses starting at level 17
Replenishing Uses of Wild ShapeRegain expended uses when you finish a Short or Long Rest– Regain 1 use when you finish a Short Rest
– Regain all uses when you finish a Long Rest
– Starting at level 5, you can use Wild Resurgence to restore a use by expending a spell slot. You may also expend one use of Wild Shape to restore a level 1 spell slot per Long Rest.
– At level 20, when you roll Initiative and have no uses of Wild Shape, regain one use.
Hit Points in Wild ShapeWhen you transform, you assume the Hit Points and Hit Dice of the Beast.When you transform, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to your Druid level.
Beast Form Limitations– Level 2: CR ¼, no Swim or Fly speed.
– Level 4: CR ½, no Fly speed.
– Level 8: CR 1
– Must be a creature you’ve seen before.
– Your ability to speak is limited to the capabilities of your Beast form.
– Level 2: CR ¼, no Fly speed. 4 known forms.
– Level 4: CR ½, no Fly speed. 6 known forms.
– Level 8: CR 1. 8 known forms.
– When you finish a Long Rest, you may replace one known form with another eligible one.
– You can speak in Beast form.
Damage in Wild ShapeNo adjustments to damage for Wild Shape forms for base 2014 Druid class.– Can select the option of Primal Strike at level 7, granting an additional 1d8 of Cold, Fire, Lightning or Thunder damage when you hit a creature using a weapon or Beast form attack. Damage type is chosen on hit.
– Damage increases to 2d8 at level 15.
Wild CompanionOptional Rule in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything that allows you to expend Wild Shape uses to cast Find Familiar.Official part of the base 2024 Druid class. Can also use a Wild Shape use or spell slot to cast Find Familiar.
DnD 5e artwork featuring a beautiful female druid meditating in front of a fire.

Wild Shape Lists for the New 2024 Druid

Below is a Wild Shape list of creatures that are ideal for Level 2-3 Druids. In the 2024 rules, your Druid can access 4 known forms, none of which can have a CR greater than 1/4.

  • Boar: High damage with a charging Tusk attack and its Relentless trait lets it endure a lethal blow.
  • Cat: Provides a bonus to Stealth checks and is ideal for urban exploration.
  • Draft horse: You have a high speed and can carry up to 540 pounds in this form.
  • Giant badger: Has darkvision, Keen Smell and a multiattack that includes both bite and claw attacks.
  • Giant Poisonous Snake: Has blindsight, a +2 to Perception and a Bite attack that also delivers extra damage via poison.
  • Giant wolf spider: Relatively high AC, climbing speed and uses paralytic poison.
  • Jackal: Gets advantage on Perception checks, plus has Pack tactics and a Bite attack.
  • Octopus: Ideal for underwater exploration.
  • Panther: Has advantage on Perception checks, the Pounce ability, and both a Bite and Claw attack.
  • Rat: Has darkvision, advantage on Perception checks and a Bite attack.
  • Spider: You may only have 1 hit point, but your small size and climbing speed allow you to get into nearly where.
  • Wolf: Uses Pack Tactics with the ability to knock a target prone with its Bite.
DnD 5e artwork featuring a Wild Shape wolf with glowing blue eyes wandering through a dark forest.

Below is a Wild Shape list of creatures that are ideal for Level 4 to 7 Druids. In the 2024 rules, your Druid can access 6 known forms, none of which can have flying and none of which can have a CR greater than 1/2.

  • Ape: Fast climbing speed and a ranged attack option. 
  • Crocodile: Has Stealth, a Bite attack and the Hold Breath ability.
  • Giant Goat: Can Charge to deliver extra damage and knock enemies prone, plus has a powerful ram attack and advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone.
  • Giant Sea Horse: Has Charge and Ram abilities and a
  • Reef shark: Uses Pack Tactics and has Bite attack.
  • Warhorse: Can attack with its hooves, has an incredible running speed, and can use its trampling charge to knock targets prone.
Stylized artwork featuring an elven druid from DnD 5e with a Wild Shape panther form behind her.

Below is a Wild Shape list of creatures that are ideal for Level 8 to 20 Druids. In the 2024 rules, your Druid can access 8 known forms, none of which can have a CR greater than 1 (notably, there are no limitations on whether creatures can fly or swim).

  • Brown bear:  Has a Multiattack feature, which includes both a Bite and Claw attack.
  • Dire wolf: Has high hit points, Armor Class, and Pack Tactics.
  • Giant eagle: Incredible flying speed, Keen sight, the ability to carry passengers and a multiattack with beak and talons.
  • Giant hyena: Has low Armor Class, but makes up for it with a solid amount of hit points and the Rampage ability:.
  • Giant octopus: Has camouflage, tentacle attacks (with grappling) and an ink cloud feature.
  • Giant spider: Has spider climb, web sense, a bite attack (with poison) and a web ability that can restrain enemies.
  • Giant toad: Versatile on land and water, it has the Standing Leap ability and a Bite attack that allows you to both poison and swallow foes.
  • Giant vulture: Has Pack Tactics, Keen Sight and Smell, and Multiattack with beak and talons.
New 2024 art for DnD 5e featuring a Druid transforming into a bear with his Wild Shape ability.

Final Thoughts on the New Druid Wildshape Feature

The new 2024 Druid has seen some serious improvements to both the base class and subclasses (including the new Circle of the Sea subclass). The changes to Wild Shape, however, may be the most impactful, having made it more versatile, easier to use for both players and DMs, and far more effective.

Full details on the new DnD 5e Wild Shape rules can be found in the new 2024 Player’s Handbook, which you can pre-order now on D&D Beyond and Amazon.

In the meantime, below is also a video from the official Dungeons & Dragons YouTube channel that features an interview with lead designer Jeremy Crawford who discusses the new Druid in greater detail, including the new Wild Shape feature.

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A photo of Dungeons & Dragons Fanatics Managing Editor, Cameron Nichols.
Cameron Nichols is a Senior Editor who lives in Boston, Massachusetts, and has been playing D&D since the early 90s, when he was introduced by his older brother and cut his teeth on AD&D 2nd Edition. Since then he’s played virtually every RPG he could get his nerdy little mitts on (including a weird Goth phase in the early 2000s when he rocked Vampire: The Masquerade pretty hard). His favorite D&D campaign setting is the Forgotten Realms and his favorite character to play was a Half-Orc Barbarian named Grug (who was unfortunately devoured by a gelatinous cube).